新华网12月11日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,最近@evleaks泄露的照片展示了一款我们从没见过的手机。这是一款奇怪的红色诺基亚手机。现在据Verge网报道,这不是一款过时的Lumia Windows Phone,而是长久以来传言中的诺基亚安卓手机。

Verge网的汤姆·华伦援引几个不愿意透露姓名的消息人士说,这款手机在诺基亚内部被称作“诺曼底计划”。(明白了么?他们要登上Google手机系统的大陆!)报道说这款手机会运行安卓程序,但情况跟你想像得不太一样。像亚马逊的Kindle Fire一样,这款手机会运行安卓系统的分支版本,而且不会直接和Google Play打通。这确实令人失望。还有一个令我们失望的消息。华伦说这款手机是入门机型,是Asha这种级别的。所以那些花了很长时间等待诺基亚旗舰机型能用上一款真正的操作的人们,你们还得再等等。




This Is Supposedly Nokia's Rumored Android Phone

A few weeks ago, @evleaks popped out another very real-looking image of a handset nobody had ever seen before. This time it was an odd, red Nokia phone. According to the Verge, it's not just any old Lumia Windows Phone: It's Nokia's long-rumored entry to the Android market. Say wah?

The Verge's Tom Warren cites several unnamed sources who claim that the handset above is what's being called internally "Project Normandy." (GET IT? They're storming the beaches of Google's mobile OS?!) The report claims that the phone will run Android apps—but not in the way that you'd expect. Like Amazon's Kindle Fire devices, it's Normandy will supposedly run a forked version of Android that won't parlay directly with Google Play. That would be very sad indeed. The other bit that makes us sad? Warren claims that the phone will be a cheap, Asha-level Nokia phone. So for the real nerds who've been waiting a long time for Nokia's delicious flagship hardware to get a real operating system—keep waiting.

And keep waiting, indeed, because who knows if a Nokia Android phone will ever even exist. Even if the Normandy project is real, it might never see daylight. Microsoft's acquisition of Nokia's handset decision is all but a sure thing at this point, and making hardware for a rival operating system sounds like the kind of plan that might get canned.

(原标题:疑似诺基亚安卓手机图片曝光 配置令人失望)