新华网12月13日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,美国西南航空公司12日起将在航班飞行中全程为乘客提供iMeesage服务,收费为每天2美元。

据报道,目前美国西南航空公司尚未就该项服务进行具体的说明,但使用方式应该与购买授权码类似。另外,该项服务仅支持iOS 5或以上版本的苹果产品。




Southwest is so awesome. You can watch TV for free onboard, the flight attendants aren't jerks, and now you can use iMessage during your flight for just two bucks.

The deal starts today, provided that your device is running iOS 5 or later. Southwest hasn't said how it works, but it's probably as simple as paying for some kind of access code. Southwest says it's working on a similar feature for Android messaging apps for early 2014. Those long holiday flights just got a little less boring.
