新华网1月10日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道, 车载娱乐系统Clarion AX1将使用安卓输入法SwiftKey。 配备了SwiftKey输入法的Clarion AX1车载娱乐系统能让乘客或驾驶者使用安卓SwiftKey键盘进行网页浏览与信息发送。

Clarion AX1为一套配备6.5英寸屏幕的车载娱乐与GPS定位系统,其屏幕可拆卸,方便乘客在长途旅行时休闲娱乐。此外,它还与所有安卓平板电脑拥有相同的功能,如1080p高清播放,通过Wi-Fi与蓝牙连接控制智能手机等等。



Popular Android predictive keyboard SwiftKey is about to pop up in a whole different series of devices, with the text entry system set to appear in the Clarion AX1 Android-based car entertainment system. It'll allow passengers and distracted drivers to access the web and send messages in usual SwiftKey style. The Clarion AX1 is a car entertainment and GPS system with a 6.5-inch display, a screen that's detachable so the passenger can easily amuse themselves on long trips. It does all the usual Android tablet stuff too, like 1080p playback, Wi-Fi connectivity and Bluetooth features for smartphone control.

(原标题:车载娱乐系统Clarion AX1将集成安卓SwiftKey输入法)