新华网1月20日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,Spotify网页音乐点播免费之后,Rdio也不甘示弱,也将推出免费流媒体音乐下载,只不过是“打折扣”的免费,用户还需忍耐页面上公司的广告播放。

从1月17日起,Spotify的网站音乐服务撤出所有的listening caps收费。一直纠结不已的Rdio音乐终于下定决心效仿Spotify在流媒体音乐服务上决定履行自己先前的承诺:在网站上点播音乐永远免费——只要你不反对在听音乐的同时听一下Rdio公司最新的广告即可。据悉,本周将发布Beats Music流媒体音乐服务,为此大家都兴奋不已。



Rdio Copies Spotify, Goes Totally Free On the Web With Ads

Earlier today, Spotify removed listening caps from its web-based music service. And so the struggling Rdio streaming music service has decided to follow with its own announcement: Free on-demand music forever on the web—as long as you're willing to listen to some of the company's newly conceived advertising. Yup, everybody's shaking in their boots over thelaunch of Beats Music next week.
