新华网1月27日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,维基百科页面将新增音频简介,真实再现历史的声音。







Wikipedia's Adding Voice Recordings to Famous People's Biographies

Imagine being able to hear a great historical figure's voice. It would add such richness to the facts and dates about her or his life. Starting today, Wikipedia will make that possible with the Wikipedia Voice Intro Project, adding short voice recordings to the online encyclopedia. And that's truly awesome. WikiVIP announced the program with a demo recording from British personality Stephen Fry. Apollo 16 astronaut Charlie Duke's page also boasts a voice recording. The project page says it was undertaken "so that we know what notable people sound like; and how they pronounce their own names." A simple, goal, but infinitely profound.WikiVIP

There's something intangibly powerful in the human voice. Curiosity leads us to wonder what great historical figures sounded like—and we get deeply offended if modern portrayals don't fit the sound we imagined. Just ask Daniel Day-Lewis.

If you're the type of person who has a Wikipedia biography, go here to see how you can get your voice saved forever. Just don't sneeze or snort or anything weird—people will be listening to that recording eons from now. [Wikipedia via TNW]