新华网2月18日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,Bevometer日前推出一款计数冷却器,在冷却灌装饮料的同时还能通过屏幕显示饮料还剩下多少。

Bevometer的主要功能是冷却饮料,与此同时,它的侧面还安装有一个小巧的显示屏。该显示屏上有两个计数器:分别为“this time”和“life time”,当放入一瓶新的饮料时,二者的数字将同时上升。

显示屏的下方设置有复位按钮,按压后,屏幕上的“this time”计数器将归零。它的底部还有一个更为坚硬的复位按钮,主要负责“life time”计数器。当显示器的数字体现了你不想让别人知道的习惯性特征时,可以进行复位操作。





When you're at a party, or a barbecue, or are just killing time before work in the morning, the last thing you want to be bothered with is keeping track of how many beers you've had. Just let the Bevometer koozie take care of all the counting for you.

Besides keeping your can or bottle insulated and cold for as long as possible, a sensor inside the Bevometer detects every time a new drink is inserted, and automatically increases the 'this time' and 'lifetime' counters on the koozie's LCD display, if you want to get all competitive about it.

A reset button blanks the 'this time' counter so you can keep track of your intake from event to event, while a harder to access button on the underside of the display will reset the 'lifetime' counter if you're not proud of the overall quantity of libations you've consumed.

The Bevometer is currently being funded on Kickstarter with a reasonable goal of $5,000, and you can secure one for yourself with a donation of just $15.

(原标题:Bevometer计数式饮料冷却器 可监控罐装饮品摄入量)