新华网3月10日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,公共场所都配置了应急备用灯,这样在突然断电的情况下,仍有光源能够保证安全。家中偶尔也会发生停电的状况,假如能够在家中配备上类似的应急照明设备,一定也会方便不少。

美国的LED照明灯品牌Mr. Beams的应急照明系统可在家中轻松安装。(但有孩子的家庭要格外注意了,因为孩子们很容易把它们错认为玩具。)在停电时,应急照明系统会自动启动。



Wireless Emergency Lights Can Brighten Up Your Next Power Outage

Public places are equipped with emergency backup lights so that in the event of a power outage people can find their way to safety. So why shouldn't your home have that too? The ReadyBright system from Mr. Beams lets you easily install emergency backup lights all around home—which is probably a minefield of toys if you've got kids—that automatically power up when the power disappears.

The battery-powered lights—which come in versions for mounting on the ceiling or low to the ground—each run for about 40 hours thanks to low-energy LED bulbs. But the cornerstone of the system is a rechargeable flashlight/remote designed to stay plugged into an outlet all the time. It detects when the electricity goes out and automatically sends out a wireless signal telling all the backup lights in a 70-foot radius to turn on.

(原标题:无线紧急照明灯 停电瞬间自动亮起)