新华网3月11日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,每当凝视着Instagram上的各种美图时,有个念头时常闪过:这些图片在手机上看起来很不错,假如做成美甲肯定更漂亮!假如有了这款名为NailSnaps的应用程序,有这种想法的人可以梦想成真了。




This App Would Turn Your Phone Photos Into Personalized Nail Art

You gaze upon the photo you've just uploaded to Instagram: a masterful sunset capture, indeed, the Valencia filter giving it that whisper of intrigue. You think to yourself, this looks good on my phone but it would look SO GOOD on my pinky fingernail. It could happen, with NailSnaps.

Using an app, you can decide how your images splay out across your 10 digits, adjusting the pattern to fit your needs. After that, it works kinda like any photo printing app, with the stickers printed and shipped to your home salon.

This brilliant proposal is just a Kickstarter now so it may never become reality, but it solves a real problem for self-adornment junkies. Nail art can get lost in translation when painted with an amateur brush. Nail polish stickers are found in any salon worth its sea salt exfoliants, but the off-the-shelf images are often icky and impersonal. These would deliver unique design with flawless execution: Just what you and your nails deserve.
