新华网3月11日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,去年,索尼和松下宣布将联手开发一种新型高容量光盘,这两家公司果真没有食言,他们将携手推出容量高达1TB的光盘规格“Archival Discs”。




Sony and Panasonic s New Optical Archival Discs Will Store Up to 1TB

Sony and Panasonic announced last year that they had plans to develop a new, high-capacity optical storage disc—and they weren't lying. New details indicate that a new Archival Disc format will have a capacity of up to 1TB.

Claiming that the Archival Disc format will be hardy—coping well with dust, temperature and humidity—Sony and Panasonic plan to endow the format with "inter-generational compatibility." Primarily be targeted at "professionals," these high-capacity discs should be good for backups and archiving—especially when it comes to HD video and the like. Who needs Blu-ray anyway?
