新华网4月4日电 据科技博客网站Gizmodo报道,苹果iPhone手机的iOS7操作系统被曝存在安全漏洞,小偷可以轻易破解Find My iPhone功能,并修改iCloud账户设置。

众所周知,苹果手机的Find My iPhone功能恐怕是手机丢失后找回的唯一希望。但是最近,苹果iOS7操作系统被曝存有漏洞,足以让手机丢失后这最后的一点希望都破灭,漏洞或可导致Find My iPhone完全失灵。

一般情况下,Find My iPhone功能的解除需要用户输入各自的苹果ID密码,以防止任何iPhone窃贼试图删除iCloud账户或者重置手机。不过,最近YouTube用户米格尔·阿尔瓦多发现,要解除苹果手机的找回功能,只需同时按下“删除账户”和Find My iPhone的禁用开关。一旦输入密码的提示弹出,立即关闭手机,然后再重启,你就可以自由进入iCloud账户设置了。




iOS 7 Bug Lets Thieves Disable Find My iPhone, Delete iCloud Account

As it stands now, Apple's Find My iPhone feature is pretty much your only hope when it comes to tracking down a stolen device. But thanks to a recently uncovered bug in iOS 7, even that little layer of protection can be rendered totally useless.

Normally, disabling Find My iPhone requires users to enter their Apple ID passwords, thwarting any iPhone-jackers trying to delete an iCloud account or restore a device. But as YouTube user Miguel Alvarado discovered, all you need to do to bypass that passcode is hit the "delete account" button and the Find My iPhone disable switch at the same time. As soon as the password prompt pops up, turn the phone off, restart, and you'll be free to go into the iCloud settings and wreak havoc.

Hopefully, now that the bug is out in the open, Apple will work on finding a fix as soon as possible. But until then, keep your phone locked with a passcode. That way, thieves won't' be able to access the bug in the first place. [9to5 Mac]
