
北京时间2016年6月10日21时30分,中国在线教育平台51Talk无忧英语正式登陆美国纽约证券交易所(NYSE),股票代码“COE ”(China Online Education),确定发行价为19美元,成为中国在线教育赴美上市第一股。这也标志着51talk成为DCM在过去5年中第4家IPO的投资企业。

DCM是51Talk的A轮投资者,进入中国的10年间,聚焦A轮和B轮,6人投资团队总投资数量不足60家,坚持少而精、高命中率的投资风格,5年内成功带领4家企业IPO。前三家IPO企业分别是2012年的唯品会、2013年的58同城、以及2014年的途牛。作为从A轮一直保驾护航到上市的投资方,DCM董事合伙人林欣禾(Hurst Lin)表示:“在中国,英语教育是刚需,在线英语教育平台拥有巨大的市场。51Talk的低成本外教一对一教学,打破了线下英语教学时间和空间的限制,丰富的教师资源及云端技术也是其用户黏性强和活跃度高的重要原因。DCM作为一家全球投资机构,希望能够带给51Talk所需的资源与帮助,与其共同成长。”


作为全球第一家在美上市的在线教育公司,51talk的业绩彰显了它在在线教育领域的巨大优势。根据51Talk公开递交的赴美上市招股书,其业务高速增长,现金收入年均增速达213%,2016年一季度达到1.55亿人民币;2013至2015年,毛利率分别为57.1%、57.5、61.4%,2016年一季度达到63.6%。此前的Frost&Sullivan报告也显示,从2015年总交易额和可用外籍教师数量来看, 51Talk已成为中国最大的在线英语教育平台。



We are excited to be here today to celebrate China Online Education Group’s listing at the NYSE. This is a very special moment and important milestone for all of us.


It’s also very important to acknowledge that we wouldn't be standing here today, were it not for the hard work and dedication of our talented employees, teachers, partners and investors, and most importantly, the support of our valued students.


It is truly an honor to be invited to ring the opening bell this morning and be part of this wonderful ceremony. Today I have the pleasure of sharing the podium with an amazing group of people, colleagues representing:

•Our employees

•Our senior management team

•Our Investors, and

•Our Partners






Thank you all for your dedication to, and confidence in, China Online Education Group.


This is an exciting time at China Online Education Group. As the No.1 online English education platform in China, our mission is to make quality education accessible and affordable to millions of people in China. As a company, we strive to address the limitations of traditional English education through our holistic and effective learning solutions and diversified offerings. Our brand, “51Talk”, our world-class platform, proprietary curriculum and passionate management team all synergize and position us well for continued success and leadership in China’s online education market.


我们的品牌“51Talk”,我们的世界级平台,以及自主研发的课程和充满激情的管理层团队,都将协同引领我们获得持续的成就,并在中国在线教育市场保持领导地位 。

As we continue to bring immersive and interactive English education to millions of students in China, we are also preparing for our next growth stage with key initiatives, including our K-12 education offering, together with other new courses and B2S and B2B initiatives in the near future. Getting listed on the NYSE is phenomenal, but it’s only the beginning of a new adventure. There’s much more to come.


In closing, I want to thank the entire NYSE staff for hosting such a great event and also for all the important services you provide to China Online Education Group and the other amazing corporations listed on the NYSE. Together with all of you, we look forward to embracing the tremendous opportunities for us in the years to come.


Thank you!
