
Borrowing Light through a Wall

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A long time ago, there was a boy named Kuang Heng. His family was very poor and couldn't afford an oil lamp, so he couldn't read at night. Kuang Heng loved studying very much. He worked in the fields during the day and returned home at night, but there wasn't enough light for him to read, which made him very anxious.

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One night, Kuang Heng sat at home, looking at the dim room, and thought to himself, "It would be so nice to have some light!" Suddenly, he noticed a crack in the wall through which he could faintly see the light from the neighbor's house. An idea struck him, and he used a small knife to widen the crack. This way, the light from the neighbor's house could shine through the hole into his room.

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From then on, every night, Kuang Heng read by the light that came through the crack in the wall. He read with great interest, completely forgetting his fatigue and drowsiness. The neighbor, seeing how hard Kuang Heng was studying, was very touched and invited him to come and read in their house, providing him with more books.

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Kuang Heng was very grateful for the neighbor's help and studied even harder, almost forgetting to eat and sleep. He not only learned a lot of knowledge but also self-taught himself many ancient classic books. Kuang Heng's diligence and wisdom spread throughout the village, and everyone admired him greatly.

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In the end, Kuang Heng, through his efforts and knowledge, became a very learned person and was recognized by the court, becoming an influential official. He used his knowledge and wisdom to do many good deeds for the people and was deeply loved by them. His story of diligent study influenced generations of Chinese people.