新华网9月22日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,贝尔金推出的蓝牙无线小键盘外型上酷似苹果Magic Trackpad。这款小键盘对会计人员来说非常实用,因为他们通常需要连续输入大量数字,或通过一串数字来检索庞的大文件。




A Matching Numerical Keypad For Your Wireless Apple Keyboard

Belkin's new YouType Bluetooth Wireless Keypad looks a lot like Apple's Magic Trackpad. But the only folks who might actually find it 'magical' are accountants, because Belkin trades gestures and multi-touch input for a set of numerical keys and extra shortcuts for navigating large documents.

If you've been bemoaning the lack of these extra keys on Apple's shortened wireless keyboard, you probably won't be too happy about coughing up another $60 for Belkin's solution to the problem. But if your work or schooling involves endless data entry, this might seem like the deal of the century since it not only matches your existing hardware, it can also be positioned exactly where you need it.

(原标题:贝尔金推蓝牙小键盘 可接苹果无线键盘)