新华网11月8日电 据科技博客Gizmodo文章,激光测距仪的出现让装修测量变得简单轻松了,可如果你完成了各个细节的测量之后,却发现记录数据的纸条不见了,那实在让人烦恼透了。为了避免这种恼人的情况,博世为其新产品GLM 100 C激光测距仪配备了蓝牙功能以及附带的应用程序,可以完整正确记录下每次的测量记录。





Sure, that laser rangefinder made short work of measuring every dimension in that room you plan to renovate. It's just too bad you jotted all those measurements down on the back of an old receipt that promptly went missing. That's why Bosch has given its new GLM 100 C laser rangefinder Bluetooth capabilities and an accompanying app so every last measurement is accurately documented.

The rangefinder itself can measure distances up to 330 feet with an accuracy of 1/16-inch, so while it might not quite be right for precise carpentry, it's the perfect tool for determining how many square feet of carpeting or drywall you'll need for a room. The rangefinder can also automatically calculate area and volume as long as you feed it multiple measurements, and every last bit of data it collects can be synced to the GLM measure&document app and even used to annotate photos of a given space.

At $300, though, it seems like a tool reserved for contractors and other construction types who are making hundreds of measurements a day. That being said, aiming a red laser dot with one hand is much easier than trying to hit a target with the end of an extended tape measure, so the GLM C 100 might be the perfect tool for home renovators who are short on help.
