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? Alcatraz was once known to be America’s most notorious(声名狼藉的) prison. Over three decades(十年) – from 1934 to 1963 – it held the likes of mob boss Al Capone and the killer ornithologist(鸟类学者), Robert Stroud, who was nicknamed(给…取绰号) the ‘Birdman of Alcatraz’.


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? No prisoners have been known to escape by swimming the milelong stretch(伸展) of freezing water in San Francisco Bay between the island and the mainland. The most famous of the 14 escape attempts staged had Frank Morris and the Anglin brothers, John and Clarence, fashioning dummy(虚拟的) heads to place on their pillows and climbing out onto the roof in 1962. All three remain officially missing.

?旧金山湾在恶魔岛和大陆之间,有着冰冷的海水,没有人能通过游泳来逃出。14次越狱尝试中,最著名的为弗兰克·莫里斯和安林兄弟(Anglin brothers)、约翰(John)和克拉伦斯(Clarence),在1962年在他们的枕头上设计了假头,然后爬上屋顶逃出。5人中只有3人成功逃脱。

? Food at Alcatraz was supposedly the best in the US prison system - to remove one of the common excuses for riots(暴乱). Prisoners could eat all they liked, but could not waste. Cutlery(餐具) was counted before and after meals to prevent inmates(居民) from squirrelling away potential(潜在的) weapons(武器).


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? Closed in 1963 because it was too expensive to run, Alcatraz is now a protected landmark(陆标) and one of the city’s most-visited attractions(吸引).


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? Each year, over 2,000 athletes swim the bay in the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon.


notorious [n?(?)'t??r??s]

adj. 声名狼藉的,臭名昭著的

ornithologist [,?:ni'θ?l?d?ist]

n. 鸟类学者

dummy ['d?m?]

n. 傀儡;哑巴;仿制品;adj. 虚拟的;假的

cutlery ['k?tl?r?]

n. 餐具;刀剑制造业

inmate ['?nme?t]

n. (尤指)同院病人;同狱犯人;同被(收容所)收容者

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