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1968年,英特尔的两位联合创始人Robert Noyce和Gordon Moore离开仙童半导体创办英特尔。在创办公司前,他们撰写了这份基本的商业计划书。随后利用这份商业计划书拿到了250万美元的可转债融资。以今天的眼光看,这份计划书并无太多出彩之处,但要知道这可是1968年。

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The company will engage in research, development, adn manufacture and sales of integrated electronic structures to fulfill the needs of electronic systems manufacturers. This will include thin films, thick films, semiconductor devices, and other solid state componenet used in hybrid and monolithic integrated structures.


A variety of processes will be established, both at a laboratory and production level. These include crystal grouch, slicing, lapping, polishing, solid state diffusion, photolithographic masking and etching, vacuum evaporation, film deposition, assembly, packaging, and testing, as well as the development and manufacture of special processing and testing equipment required to carry out these processes.


Products may include dioded, transistors, field effect devices, photo sensitive devices, photo emitting device, integrated circuits, and subsystem commonly referred to by the phrase "lagge scale integration" Principal customers for these products are expected to be the manufac-turers of advanced electronic systems for communication, radar, control and data processing. It is anticipated that many of these customers will be located outside California.


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