

前第一夫人米歇尔奥巴马正式开始她的国家和国际巡回演出,通过与芝加哥公牛队主场的奥普拉温弗瑞谈话来推广她的新书“成为”。芝加哥(美联社) - 米歇尔·奥巴马周二与奥普拉·温弗瑞坐在芝加哥公牛队主场的观众面前开始了她的12站预订之旅,讲述了从钢琴课和洗袜子到飞机上哭泣的一切搬出白宫,唐纳德特朗普总统搬进了。

14,000名观众咆哮着,这名前第一夫人在一场售罄的联合中心活动中登台亮相,该活动感受到部分脱口秀节目,部分政治集会和部分摇滚音乐会,还有35美元的Michele Obama T恤,上面印有她的脸和她刚刚发行的回忆录“成为”的标题。当她说话时,巴拉克奥巴马及其子女的家庭照片闪现在她肩膀上的屏幕上。在公牛队在奥巴马家乡的NBA总冠军旗帜下进行的超过90分钟的谈话中,她从不直接批评特朗普。她解释说,在2017年就职日离开华盛顿的飞机上哭泣,与特朗普毫无关系。



“当我上飞机时,我抽泣了30分钟,”她说。“我认为这只是八年的发布,试图完美地完成所有事情。”奥巴马求助于刚刚成为前总统的丈夫。“我对巴拉克说,'那太难了,我们刚刚做了什么。那太难了。” 她说她没有在她的书中提到这一集。尽管她在书中直接批评了特朗普,但她没有直接批评特朗普。她在“成为”中写道,特朗普关于她丈夫的出生证明的“吵闹和肆无忌惮的暗示”激起了人们的兴趣并将“我家人的安全置于危险境地”。为此,“她补充说,”我永远不会原谅他。“

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她还是个孩子的时候,她说她的父亲会向她的母亲抱怨她没有教她的孩子如何洗袜子,因为他的袜子很少长大,他不得不把它们洗干净,然后用散热器给自己擦干。奥巴马周二表示,“我的妈妈说,'我不会教他们如何洗袜子。我要教他们上大学,所以他们可以买一台洗衣机。”她还谈到学习如何在摇摇晃晃的钢琴上弹钢琴,并惊讶地看到她的第一架钢琴状况良好。“你的意思是那里有完美的钢琴吗?” 她回忆起思考。“我甚至都不知道。”这份回忆录于周二正式发布,已经成为畅销书。它在整个周末都是亚马逊最畅销的榜单。从芝加哥开始的旅行将转移到洛杉矶,华盛顿,底特律,巴黎和伦敦以及其他美国城市。

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It was announced Monday that Michelle Obama's new memoir, "Becoming", is the latest selection of the Oprah Book Club. It's the 80th book to receive the coveted "Oprah seal of approval."

"I got an advance copy of what everybody is calling 'the book of the season,'" said Winfrey, "and I loved it so much, I've already read it twice.

"It's a tour de force. I laughed and I cried. It is exquisitely written. It is so vulnerable, so vivid. I want the whole world to read this book, and if you're in a book club, I encourage you to choose this book for your club, and let's all read it together.

"It's Michelle Obama's personal story but I know it will spark you to think about your own becoming."

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In a preview of her interview with Obama (to be broadcast in a primetime special on the OWN network on Thursday, November 15), Winfrey asked the former first lady about her remarks in the book about then-"Apprentice" host Donald Trump's provocative "birther" comments, suggesting that President Barack Obama, running for reelection, was not really an American citizen.

"Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family's safety at risk. And for this I'd never forgive him," Michelle Obama wrote."Why was it important for you to say that at this time?" Winfrey asked.

"Because I don't think he knew what he was doing," Obama said. "That for him, it was a game.

"And for the Commander in Chief, which he now is, the threats and security risks that you face as the Commander in Chief, not even within your home country but around the world, are real. And your children are at risk. And the difference when you're now in that position [is], you understand that while you live in a bubble, your children have to live outside of the bubble. And in order for my children to have a normal life, even though they had security, they were in the world in a way that we weren't."



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