

当你想到一个激励人心的演讲者,你会想到谁?一定会想到Tony Robbins, Steve jobs等等。最近英语演讲君发现一位美国的四岁小男孩caleb stewart发表了一段激情演讲,有理有据告诉你阅读有是多么的重要。

When you think “motivational speaker” it’s not likely that you’ll picture a preschooler. But when a four-year-old’s motivational speech about reading goes viral, everybody listens. Seriously.

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Master Caleb Stewart is one smart kiddo. He may only be 4, but he’s definitely wise well beyond his years. The internet-famous little boy and his Brilliant Little Leaders Facebook page are showing the world that anyone—even a preschooler—can make a difference.

So where has this mini motivational speaker spoken? Well Master Caleb has shared his message on the importance of reading with middle school teachers, Head Start pre-K teachers and many more.

If you haven;t seen Master Caleb or his sister Queen Olivia, you don’t have to score a seat at a teachers’ in-service day. The Brilliant Little Leaders YouTube channel has plenty of major motivation. In one clip, Master Caleb asks, “What motivates you to succeed?” He then answers the question (for himself) saying, “I read! That’s my superpower. Try it. Read a good book today and you can see.”

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He continues with, “Open doors to new possibilities. Read a good book today and you can be anything you want to be.” before the video ends, Master Caleb also tells his viewers, “Because reading turns dreams into realities.” Now that’s some sage advice that we can all take—from a preschooler!

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Caleb and his sister Olivia are two of the most well-read kids you’ll ever meet. They’re such avid readers, their dad, Tavarous Stewart, set up a Facebook page to follow their progress as they spread their love for books as far as they can. Tavarous said that Caleb has always shown an extraordinary proclivity for reading, and he’s simply fostered that love and encouraged his son as much as possible.

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“It was kind of mind-blowing,” Tavarous said. “When he turned one, my mom just started buying him books and he picked up on it so fast, it became his favorite thing to do. ”

Now, Caleb is intent on helping others foster a love for reading too. He’s begun an “Internet Reading Challenge,” hoping to encourage kids and adults to read a book in 100 different places.

In his now-viral speech to the teachers, Caleb stood on a table in the library, dressed impeccably in a tiny 3-piece suit. He not only looks adorable, but his voice is incredibly cute as he easily addresses a group of grown-ups as if he did so every day.

“I personally read every day, and absolutely love the adventure of reading,” Caleb said. “I will stand before you and speak with confidence, and not be afraid.”

Indeed, he doesn’t seem the least bit fazed by public speaking! We know lots of adults who couldn’t do this, so the fact that this child has memorized his speech and delivers it like a pro is truly impressive.

“Reading every day has made me smarter, and it has also strengthened my vocabulary and language skills, allowing me to pronounce new and big words without even thinking about it,” Caleb stated.

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Caleb told the teachers in attendance to encourage their students to read everything, everywhere. “Kids should be encouraged to cultivate their imagination,” the child informed them, urging them to encourage kids to read books, magazines, and even billboards as they’re driving in the car.

It’s impossible to watch Caleb in action without feeling a sense of awe that a child his age could be this composed. He’s already so well-spoken, he’s being booked for public speaking engagements all over his state. We can’t wait to see what’s next for him and his sister. Future president of the United States?



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