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8 Apr. 2019

suffering is encapsulated in the movement of thought : you are driving on the road and somebody cuts you off . This behavior was unexpected, the mind got a shock and started moving . The initial shock and the further movement of the mind is where suffering is inherent . Your boss denies you a raise for the year , you are shocked because an expectation has been shattered. The initial shattering and the further movement of the mind is the suffering . The more one thinks about this , the suffering intensifies .


All the emotions of mind arise with the movement of thought and sustained and supported by it . This description seems to be after the fact , not very direct . But if you follow thought by thought and are able to reach a more lucid state of mind where you can see the arising of thought , then you will have a direct experience of suffering as it is actually moving and trying to become fossilized in your mind . So be awake and not let the mind become a storehouse of fossilized suffering . One can do that if one remembers “observer is the observed” in such situation s, then the distance between you and the active suffering vanishes. There is the release from the suffering and one realizes that psychological suffering is an illusion.



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作者:Sitanshu Kumar



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