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1、 表达关怀:你还好吗

例句:Are you OK?(你还好吗)

Are you alright?(你还好吧)

Are you doing OK?(你还好吗)

How do you feel now?(你现在感觉怎么样)

How is everything with you?(你近来怎么样)

Is everything alright?(一切还好吧)

What’s wrong?(怎么啦)

2、 表达鼓励:要加油呦

使用到的短语:make it(达到目的;获得成功)、give up(放弃)

例句:Come on,you can do it!(加油,你可以做到的)

You’re the best!(你是最棒的)

You can make it!(你可以做到的)

Don’t give up!(别放弃)

Keep it up!(继续努力)

You’ve almost got it!(你就快成功啦)

Everything will be alright.(一切都会好的)

3、 表达好感:我喜欢你

使用到的短语:be fond of(喜欢,喜爱)、fancy(v.喜欢,喜爱)、be crazy about(为…着迷;迷恋…)、in love with someone(爱上某人)

例句:I’m fond of you.(我喜欢你)

I really fancy you.(我真的很喜欢你)

I adore you.(我很喜欢你)

You’re perfect.(你很完美)

I enjoy being with you.(我喜欢和你在一起)

I’m crazy about you.(我为你而着迷)

I think I’m in love with you.(我想我爱上你了)

4、 表达反感:我不喜欢

使用到的短语:be into(对…很感兴趣)、be tired of(厌倦)

例句:I don’t like dark colours.(我不喜欢深色)

I didn’t like getting up early.(我不喜欢早起)

I dislike eating alone.(我讨厌独自吃饭)

I’m not into rock music.(我对摇滚乐不感兴趣)

I hate to be late.(我讨厌迟到)

I’m tired of his lies.(我受够了他的谎言)

I’m not crazy about coffee.(我没那么喜欢咖啡)

5、 表达信任:我信任你

使用到的短语:believe in…(相信,信任…)、have faith in…(相信,信任…)

例句:I believe in you.(我相信你)

I believe you can do it.(我相信你能做到的)

I trust you.(我信任你)

You have my trust.(我信任你)

I have faith in you.(我相信你)

I put my trust in you.(我相信你)

I feel I can tell you anything.(我觉得我能告诉你任何事情)

6、 表达想念:我想念你

使用到的单词或短语:can’t wait to do something(迫不及待想做某事)、lonely(adj.寂寞的,孤独的)、be dying to do something(非常想做某事)

例句:I miss you so much.(我非常想念你)

I can’t live without you.(没有你我活不下去)

I can’t wait to see you.(我迫不及待地想见你)

I wish you were here with me.(我希望你能在这陪着我)

I feel lonely without you.(没有你我感到很孤单)

I’m dying to see you.(我非常想见你)

I miss you already.(我已经开始想你了)

7、 表达心愿:我好希望

使用到的短语:hope to do something(希望能做某事)、hope for(希望…,盼望…)

例句:I hope the weather gets better.(我希望天气能好转)

I hope the rain will stop soon.(我希望雨能很快就停)

I hope to study law in college.(我希望在大学学法律)

I hoping for a better chance.(我希望能有个更好的机会)

I wish you a Merry Christmas.(祝你圣诞快乐)

My best wishes to you!(献给你最美好的祝福)

With best wishes.(祝好)
