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使用到的短语:make decision(做决定)、in my opinion(依我看来,在我看来)、come true(成为现实)

例句:I think you are right.(我觉得你是对的)

I don’t think we shoud go now.(我不认为我们现在应该走)

I guess he’s made the decision.(我猜他已经做出了决定)

I afraid you can’t leave until tomorrow.(恐怕你明天才能离开)

In my opinion,it’s a good plan.(我认为这是一个很好的计划)

I feel it’s going to rain tonight.(我感觉今晚会下雨)

I believe my dream will come true.(我相信我会梦想成真)


使用到的单词或短语:follow(v.理解,明白)、point(n.看法,观点)、be confused about something(对某事困惑)

例句:Sorry, I don’t understand.(对不起,我不明白)

What do you mean by that.(你这话是什么意思呢)

I didn’t quite get it.(我没太明白)

I didn’t follow you.(我没听懂)

I didn’t see your point.(我没听懂你的话)

I confused about that.(我很困惑)

I’m sorry but that’s quite confusing.(对不起,那让我很困惑)


例句:I think so,too.(我也是这样想的)

You’re right.(你是对的)

I agree with you.(我同意)

You said it!(你说的对)

You can say that again!(你说的没错)


That’s so true!(说的太对了)


例句:I don’t think so.(我不这么想)

I don’t agree with you.(我不同意你)

I disagree.(我不同意)

That’s not true.(那不对)

Not necessarily.(不见得)

Definitely not.(当然不)

I have a different opinion.(我有不同的意见)


使用到的短语:do someone a favour(帮某人一个忙)、give someone a hand(帮某人一把)、mind doing…(介意做…)

例句:May I use your bike?(我可以用你的自行车吗)

Can you help me carry the bag?(你能帮我拎一下包吗)

Could you do me a favour?(你能帮我个忙吗)

Could I take a look, please?(我可以看看吗)

Would you please give me a hand?(你能帮我下吗)

Do you mind if I smoke here?(你介意我在这抽烟吗)

Would you mind waiting for me here?(你可以在这儿等我下吗)


使用到的短语:how about doing something(做某事怎么样)、advise someone to do something(建议某人做某事)

例句:You should eat fewer sweets.(你应该少吃点甜食)

You’d better take an umbrella.(你最好带把伞)

You can have a try.(你可以试一试)

Why don’t you come with us?(你为什么不跟我们一起去呢)

How about going swimming this afternoon?(今天下午去游泳怎么样)

My advice is to go for a picnic.(我的建议是去野餐)

I advise you to keep a diary.(我建议你写日记)
