Sometimes, day and night. But when the thoughts of people in front, but you equanimity.

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One day you're gonna remember me and how much I loved you...then you're gonna hate yourself for letting me go.

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However, you are the one I love.What can I complain about?

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If people treat you like you're not worth it, show them that they're the ones not good enough for you.~~~

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Sometimes you have to stop thinking too much and just go where your heart takes you.

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In the end we'll all realize that what we need isn't someone who's PERFECT, but someone who's RIGHT。

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The next gerneration I want to be your tooth, at least, I am sad, you also hurts.

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Always tell someone how you feel, because opportunities are lost in the blink of an eye, but regret can last a lifetime. 经常告诉别人你的感受,因为机会稍瞬即逝,后悔却会跟随一辈子。

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You know those nights when you cannot sleep? Well maybe you're awake in someone else's dream.那些辗转反侧的夜晚,在某人的梦中,或许有着你未演完的情节

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We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us. 我们旅游不是为了逃避生活,而是为了不被生活所忽略。