










"较高的生殖数(R0)意味着,在大流行结束之前需要更多的人感染并免疫。"他们补充道。根据最近的流感大流行,此次疫情可能会持续 18 到 24 个月。






情景 2:第一波 Covid-19 之后在秋季或冬季出现较大一波,2021 年出现一个或多个小波。他们写道:"这种模式要求在秋季恢复缓解措施,以努力减少感染的传播,防止医疗系统不堪重负。"这种模式与1918-19年大流行的情况相似。










Expert report predicts up to two moreyears of pandemic misery

The new coronavirus is likely to keepspreading for at least another 18 months to two years—until 60% to 70% of thepopulation has been infected, a team of longstanding pandemic experts predictedin a report released Thursday.

They recommended that the US prepare for aworst-case scenario that includes a second big wave of coronavirus infectionsin the fall and winter. Even in a best-case scenario, people will continue todie from the virus, they predicted.

"This thing's not going to stop untilit infects 60 to 70 percent of people," Mike Osterholm, who directs theCenter for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP) at the University ofMinnesota, said.

"The idea that this is going to bedone soon defies microbiology."

Osterholm has been writing about the riskof pandemics for 20 years and has advised several presidents. He wrote thereport along with Harvard School of Public Health epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch,who is also a top expert on pandemics; Dr. Kristine Moore, a former Centers forDisease Control and Prevention epidemiologist who is now medical director forCIDRAP; and historian John Barry, who wrote the 2004 book "The GreatInfluenza" about the 1918 flu pandemic.

Waiting for herd immunity

Because Covid-19 is new, no one has anyimmunity, they said. "The length of the pandemic will likely be 18 to 24months, as herd immunity gradually develops in the human population," theywrote.

Their predictions are different from modelspresented by groups such as the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation(IHME) at the University of Washington or the models produced by ImperialCollege London, whose report predicting millions of deaths in the US and UKhelped galvanize responses by both governments.

The CIDRAP-led team used those reports,historical data on past pandemics, and published reports about the medicaldetails of Covid-19 to put together their forecast.

"I have said for a long time that whenyou are trying to understand how infectious disease is going to unfold, youshould rely on history as well as models," Lipsitch said. For instance,pandemic infections don't tend to die down in the summer, like seasonal fludoes., he said.

Covid-19 is most comparable to a pandemicstrain of influenza, they said.

"Because of a longer incubationperiod, more asymptomatic spread, and a higher R0, COVID-19 appears to spreadmore easily than flu," they wrote in the report. R0 is the average numberof other people infected by each patient.

"A higher R0 means more people willneed to get infected and become immune before the pandemic can end," theyadd. "Based on the most recent flu pandemics, this outbreak will likely last18 to 24 months."

Preparing for the worst

They said government officials should stoptelling people the pandemic could be ending and instead prepare citizens for along haul.

Three scenarios are possible, they said:

Scenario 1: The first wave of Covid-19 inspring 2020 is followed by a series of repetitive smaller waves that occurthrough the summer and then consistently over a one- to two-year period,gradually diminishing sometime in 2021

Scenario 2: The first wave of Covid-19 isfollowed by a larger wave in the fall or winter and one or more smaller wavesin 2021. "This pattern will require the reinstitution of mitigationmeasures in the fall in an attempt to drive down spread of infection andprevent healthcare systems from being overwhelmed," they wrote. "Thispattern is similar to what was seen with the 1918-19 pandemic."

Scenario 3: A "slow burn" ofongoing transmission. "This third scenario likely would not require thereinstitution of mitigation measures, although cases and deaths will continueto occur."

States and territories should plan forscenario 2, the worst-case scenario, they recommended.

"Government officials should developconcrete plans, including triggers for reinstituting mitigation measures, fordealing with disease peaks when they occur," they advised.

Lipsitch and Osterholm both said they aresurprised by the decisions many states are making to lift restrictions aimed atcontrolling the spread of the virus.

"I think it's an experiment. It's anexperiment that likely will cost lives, especially in places that do it withoutcareful controls to try to figure out when to try to slow things downagain," Lipsitch said.

Plus, he said, somestates are choosing to lift restrictions when they have more new infectionsthan they had when they decided to impose the restrictions.

"It is hard to even understand therationale," Lipsitch said.

A vaccine could help, the report said, butnot quickly. "The course of the pandemic also could be influenced by avaccine; however, a vaccine will likely not be available until at leastsometime in 2021," they wrote.

"And we don't know what kinds ofchallenges could arise during vaccine development that could delay thetimeline."