Which One to Keep?

Which One to Keep?



And so he went back over the sunny hills and down through the cool valleys, toshowall his pretty kittens to the very old woman.

It was veryfunnyto see those hundreds and thousands and millions and billions and trillions of catsfollowing him.

They came to apond.

"Mew, mew! We arethirsty!"criedthe

Hundreds of cats,

Thousands of cats,

Millions and billions and trillions of cats.

"Well, here isa great deal ofwater," said the very old man.

Each cat took asipof water, and the pond was gone!

"Mew, mew! Now we arehungry!" said the

Hundreds of cats,

Thousands of cats,

Millions and billions and trillions of cats.

"There is muchgrasson the hills," said the very old man.

Each cat ate amouthfulof grass and not abladewas left!

Pretty soon the very old woman saw them coming.

"My dear!" she cried, "What are you doing? I asked for one little cat, and what do I see?

Cats here, cats there,

Cats and kittens everywhere,

Hundreds of cats,

Thousands of cats,

Millions and billions and trillions of cats."

"But we can neverfeedthem all," said the very old woman, "They will eat us out of house and home."

"I neverthoughtof that," said the very old man, "Whatshallwe do?"

The very old woman thought for a while and then she said, "I know! We will let the catsdecidewhichone we should keep."

"Oh yes," said the very old man, and he called to the cats, "Whichone ofyou is the prettiest?"

"I am!"

"I am!"

"No, I am!"

"No, I am the prettiest!" "I am!"

"No, I am! I am! I am! "cried hundreds and thousands and millions and billions and trillions ofvoices, for each cat thought itself the prettiest.

And they began toquarrel.

Theybitandscratchedandclawedeach other and made such a greatnoisethat the very old man and the very old woman ran into the house as fast as they could.































1.Show// vt. 显示;说明;n. 显示;表演;

show off 炫耀;卖弄;talk show 脱口秀;

2.Funny/fni/ adj. 有趣的,滑稽的;

funny story 幽默故事

n. fun 乐趣;玩笑;

3.Follow/fl/ vt. 跟随;遵循;

follow your dreams 追逐你的梦想

4.Pond/pnd/ n. 池塘;

5.Thirsty/θsti/ adj. 口渴的;渴望的

thirsty for 渴望

n. thirst 渴望;口渴;

6.Cry-cried/kra/ v. 哭;喊叫,大声说出

7.a great deal of许多;大量的

8.Sip/sp/ v. 小口喝,抿

take a sip 尝一口;小啜;

9.Hungry/hɡri/ adj. 饥饿的;渴望的

hungry for 渴望

10.Grass/ɡrɑs/ n. 草;草地 =lawn

on the grass 在草地上

11.Mouthful/maθfl/ n. 一口,满口

→ mouth + -ful

12.Blade/bled/ n. 叶片;刀片,刀锋;剑

13.Feed/fid/ v. 喂养;抚养

feed on v. 以...为食

14.Think—thought/θk/ vt. 想;认为

think of 记起,想起;考虑; think about 考虑

15.Shall—should/l; l/ 将要;应该

16.Decide/dsad/ vt. 决定;解决

decide to do 决定做某事

n. decision 决定,决心; adj. decisive 决定性的;

17.Which/wt/ 哪一个

18.one of ...之一

I've long thought of Paris as one of the most beautiful cities in the world.


PS.当我们看到 one of...切记①后面名词是复数②前面谓语是单数③容易出现最高级

19.Voice/vs/ n. 声音;嗓音;vt. 表达;吐露

20.Quarrel/kwrl/ v. 吵架,争论

quarrel with v. 跟…吵架;quarrel about 争论;为…争吵

21.Bit/bt/ adj. 很小的

a bit of 一点

22.Scratch/skrt/ n. 擦伤;抓痕;刮擦声

23.Claw/kl/ n. 爪;

24.Noise/nz/ n. [环境] 噪音;响声

——The End——