


你知道那本书。就是那本应该是非常精彩的小说——或者一系列小说——是你多年来一直回避的,因为长多厚重而令你生畏的,而且,嗯... 确实非常长长长的小说。


15 epic books you may finally have timeto read now

So your daily quarantine routine is gettingold.

You've exhausted the good stuff on Netflix,your dog hides when you try to walk him for the eighth time and those ambitiousplans for new hobbies -- scrapbooking! bird watching! -- are not happening.

Now might be the moment to dust off thatbook you've always vowed to read but never had time for.

You know the one. It's that supposedlybrilliant novel -- or series of novels -- you've avoided for years because it'sdense and daunting and, well ... really LOONNNNNG.

To jog your memory and jump-start your newliterary life, here's a list of suggested epic reads. They're all widely acclaimedas classics (or future classics) by readers or critics. And they're all big,honking doorstops -- most of them more than 1,000 pages -- that ought to keepyou busy for a while.


列夫·托尔斯泰, 1,392 页


War and Peace

Leo Tolstoy, 1,392 pages

A pinnacle of Russian literature andarguably the greatest novel ever written, this epic has everything -- historicalsweep, romance, military battles, family drama, philosophical essays -- allagainst the backdrop of Napoleon's invasion of Russia. It's also about peopletrying to find their way in a time of crisis and social upheaval, which makesit a fitting read for our current moment.




The Harry Potter series

J.K. Rowling, 4,100 pp.

Yes, we all read these seven books yearsago. But it's worth going back to the beginning -- before the eight bloatedmovies, before the theme parks, before Emma Watson became a UN ambassador -- torelive how Rowling brought a magical world to life on the printed page with little more than her own boundless imagination.




Roots: The Saga of an American Family

Alex Haley, 729 pp.

You may have seen the 1977 ABC miniseriesthat turned "Roots" into a cultural sensation. Or "Roots: TheNext Generations," the sequel. Or the 2016 History Channel remake. It allstarted with Haley's Pulitzer-winning novel, which traces his family lineageback to Kunta Kinte, an African boy who was sold into slavery and brought toAmerica. The book is a gripping and essential document of the African Americanexperience.




In Search of Lost Time

Marcel Proust, 4,211 pp.

If you want to wow your friends -- or getteased for your pretentiousness -- dig into this massive brick of a book,hailed by some as the most influential novel of the 20th century. Proust, aFrenchman, packed its pages with profound musings on art, the elusive nature ofmemory and the melancholy passage of time. It canadmittedly be tough sledding. It's also in seven volumes, although the lastthree were unfinished drafts published after Proust's death. So you canprobably skip those.




The Stand (uncut edition)

Stephen King, 1,153 pp.

A novel about a deadly, fast-moving virusthat wipes out much of the world's population? Like that would ever happen!Yes, the plot of this dark thriller, which was made into a 1994 miniseries, mayhit a little too close to home right now. Then again, its brutalpost-apocalyptic vision makes our current pandemic feel ... not quite so bad.


真的。选一个。他最长的书都在1,000页左右。米切纳是研究世界某一部分的大师——"夏威夷"(1,136页),"德克萨斯"(1,472 页),"切萨皮克"(1,024 页),("百年"——关于科罗拉多州——1,056 页 ), 也是善于创作庞杂的、多代际的关于历史、人们和文化的家庭传奇的大师。

Almost any James Michener novel

Really. Pick one. His longest books allclock in at 1,000 pages or so. Michener was a master at researching a part ofthe world -- "Hawaii" (1,136 pp.), "Texas" (1,472 pp.),"Chesapeake" (1,024 pp.), ("Centennial" -- about Colorado-- 1056 pp.) -- and then crafting a sprawling, multi-generational family sagaabout its history, people and culture.




Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand, 1,168 pp.

For decades if you wanted to start adiscussion -- or a debate -- with someone you carried around a dog-eared copyof this influential but polarizing novel. Nobody really read it for the plot,which had to do with (yawn) business executives straining against burdensomeregulations. The book and Rand's other weighty bestseller, "TheFountainhead," espouse a philosophical system called objectivism, whoseemphasis on individual rights has been embraced by some modern-dayconservatives. Maybe it'll change your life.




Don Quixote

Miguel Cervantes, 1,023 pp.

Sure, you know where the phrases"quixotic" and "tilting at windmills" come from. But maybeit's time to learn the whole story of an aging would-be knight, his horse Rocinante, his faithful squire Sancho Panza and theiridealistic quest for adventure. This 17th-century Spanish novel is one of thecornerstones of Western literature.




Les Miserables

Victor Hugo, 1,463 pp.

The book that launched a thousand musicals.If you're only familiar with the many streamlined adaptations, you might notrealize that Hugo's vast French novel is about much more than InspectorJavert's relentless persecution of reformed thief Jean Valjean. More than aquarter of its pages are essays on French history, morality and otherdigressions. Pop a bottle of Burgundy, put on the "Les Miz"soundtrack and get to reading.





Haruki Murakami, 985 pp.

Like other books on this list,"1Q84" is a dystopian novel -- not a surprise, because its title is aplay on George Orwell's "1984." Unlike other books on this list, itsambitious story is a surreal blend of parallel dimensions, mysterious religiouscults and a love story whose two protagonists' lives gradually converge.Murakami's 2009 novel was a huge bestseller in his native Japan and has beentranslated into dozens of languages.


荷马, 1,556 页.


The Iliad/The Odyssey

Homer, 1,556 pp.

There are classics and then there are classics,like these epic poems -- still read, taught and turned into Brad Pitt moviesmore than 2,500 years after they were written. Pillars of Greek literature, thebooks chronicle such renowned events as the Fall of Troy and Odysseus' longvoyage home. They are literally the Western world's oldest surviving adventurestories.




A Suitable Boy

Vikram Seth, 1,474 pp.

Set in the newly independent India of the1950s, this panoramic 1993 novel is mostly about the efforts of one woman tofind a good husband -- "a suitable boy" -- for her headstrongdaughter, a university student. But it's much more than a simple tale ofmatchmaking. Seth also adds the interwoven stories of three other familieswhile exploring issues of the day, such as tensions between Hindus and Muslims,that threatened to tear India apart.




Infinite Jest

David Foster Wallace, 1,088 pp.

This exuberant magnum opus made a bigsplash when it was published in 1996 and became required reading for young,brainy sophisticates. The book doesn't follow a conventional narrativestructure and digresses a lot -- a polite way of saying there's not much of aplot. It's also famous for its copious use of endnotes -- more than 300 ofthem. Wallace's innovative style influenced many other young writers, from DaveEggers to Zadie Smith.




A Song of Ice and Fire

George R.R. Martin, 5,167 pp.

It's been a year since we were all glued tothe final episodes of "Game of Thrones." Why not relive that epicseries by going back to the source material -- the fantasy novels that putWesteros on the map? The White Walkers could even take on a scarier resonanceas a metaphor for coronavirus. There are five lengthy books and Martin haspromised two more, although the last one, "A Dance with Dragons,"came out almost nine years ago and his writing momentum seems to have stalled.Write, George, write!




The Outlander series

Diana Gabaldon, 7,852 pp.

Here's another fantasy author who owes ussome books. Gabaldon has written eight volumes of her hugely popular historicalromance series about a 20th-century British nurse who time travels to18th-century Scotland and falls for a handsome Highland warrior. Her adventureshave been adapted into a steamy Starz series with lots of kilts and canoodling.Two more books -- plus more seasons of the show -- are coming, which shouldkeep "Outlander" fans fogged up through at least 2026.