







Clothing store sales down almost 90% inApril

America's retail sales collapsed to ahistoric low last month, underscoring just how badly retailers are strugglingduring the coronavirus crisis.

An advance reading from the Census Bureaushowed US retail sales plummeted by 16.4% in April, the largest since this dataseries began in 1992. It's also significantly higher than the revised 8.3%sales drop in March.

As people continue to stay at home acrossmuch of the country, they're spending more on food than before but little onother things. And with mass layoffs leaving millions of Americans out of work,discretionary spending has been crunched.

Excluding autos, the overall drop in retailsales was even steeper at 17.2%. Many Americans are putting big purchases likecars on the back burner.

Particularly weak were sales at clothingand accessories stores, which were down a whopping 89.3% in April.

Retailers have been forced to shutterhundreds of thousands of stores during the crisis. Several have filed forbankruptcy in recent weeks, including Neiman Marcus and J.Crew. JCPenney isexpected to file for bankruptcy in the coming days.

Some chains, however, have bucked thetrend. Walmart, Target, Kroger and others are growing sales, as theybenefit from Americans buying more groceries and home essentials as they aresheltering in place. Online shopping for essentials continues to boost Amazon.

In the long-term, analysts expect thecrisis to further widen the gap between the industry's winners andlosers.