Mary Trump's scathing bookclaims Trump paid someone to take his SATs

Donald Trump's niece Mary Trump levels scathingcriticism at the President in her forthcoming book, accusing him of being a"sociopath" and charging that Trump's "hubris and willfulignorance" dating back to his early days threatens the country.

Mary Trump's book, "Too Much and Never Enough:How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man," accuses DonaldTrump's father of creating a toxic family dynamic that best explains how thePresident acts today. Mary Trump, whose father, Freddy Trump, died followingstruggles with alcoholism, writes that she could "no longer remainsilent" following the past three years of Trump's presidency.

Mary Trump, a licensed clinical psychologist,offers both her take on Trump's actions in the White House -- charging he'sshown "a blatant display of sociopathic disregard for human life"over the coronavirus pandemic -- as well as episodes throughout Trump'sbusiness career, Trump's handling of her father's struggle with alcoholism anddysfunction and infighting within the family. She writes that Trump's father,Fred Trump, "dismantled his oldest son," Freddy Trump, Mary's fatherand Trump's brother.

"The only reason Donald escaped the same fateis that his personality served his father's purpose. That's what sociopaths do:they co-opt others and use them toward their own ends--ruthlessly andefficiently, with no tolerance for dissent or resistance," Mary Trumpwrites."

She writes at length about how she sees Trump,comparing him to a three-year-old, saying he "knows he has never beenloved" and arguing that Trump's "ego is a fragile thing that must bebolstered every moment because he knows deep down that he is nothing of what heclaims to be."

She even claimed that Trump even paid someone totake the SAT tests for him to help him get into the University of Pennsylvania.Trump was "worried that his grade point average, which put him far fromthe top of his class, would scuttle his efforts to get accepted."

She writes that he enlisted "a smart kid witha reputation for being a good test taker, to take his SATs for him,"adding the test-taker was compensated for the effort.

"Donald, who never lacked for funds, paid hisbuddy well," Mary Trump writes.

Trump initially attended Fordham University in NewYork as an undergraduate before transferring to Penn's Wharton School.

Trump's niece describes what she says is thepsychological hold that Fred Trump, the President's father, had over hischildren, particularly Freddy and Donald. She writes how lying in order toplease and appease their father was "a way of life," and how Donaldessentially watched his older brother Fred's failings to adapt and become hisfather's favored son.

"Donald may not have understood the origin oftheir father's contempt for Freddy and his decision to become a professionalpilot, but he had the bull's unerring instinct for finding the most effectiveway to undermine an adversary," Mary Trump writes.

She also traced some of Donald Trump's currentbehavior back to his childhood, enabled by his father.

"Donald began to realize that there wasnothing he could do wrong, so he stopped trying to do anything 'right.' Hebecame bolder and more aggressive because he was rarely challenged or held toaccount by the only person in the world who mattered -- his father," Marywrites.

Mary Trump described her own father's death from aheart attack at age 42 as a regretful episode that illustrated thedysfunctional family dynamics of her grandfather and uncle. Despite havinglong-standing financial ties to nearby hospitals -- including a whole wingnamed for the Trump family at Jamaica Hospital -- no one sought medical helpfor her father, who had suffered from alcoholism and a faulty heart valve, forweeks as he was ailing in their family home.

"A single phone call would have guaranteed thebest treatment for their son at either facility. No call was made," shewrites.







她甚至声称特朗普甚至花钱雇人替他参加SATs(Scholastic Assessment Test:学术能力评估测)考试,以帮助他进入宾夕法尼亚大学。特朗普 "担心他的平均成绩会使他难以跻身班级前列,会使他功成垂败,难以获得录取。"








