More than 940 deaths reported in one day as US coronavirus cases shatteranother record

Battles over wearing face coverings intensified even as the US shatteredanother daily coronavirus record and health officials warned hospitalizationsare getting out of control in some areas.

There were 77,255 new cases reported Thursday, topping a previous high settwo days ago, according to Johns Hopkins University. At least 943 people werereported dead that day.

More than 138,000 people have died from coronavirus nationwide, and expertswarn that number will likely go up as hospitalizations rise in several states.In Texas and Arizona, morgues are filling up in the hardest-hit areas andofficials are bringing in coolers and refrigerated trailers to store bodies.

In South Texas' Hidalgo County, some patients have to wait on a stretcherfor 10 hours before being examined due to lack of resources, said Dr. IvanMelendez, the public health authority.

"We are in dire need, and we are exhausted," he said. "Wehad four ICU patients. Now we have 211. We had three people on ventilators. Nowwe have 135."

The county has seen more than 10,000 confirmedCovid-19 cases -- more than1,200 reported Thursday alone, he said.







Debate over wearing masks heats up

As some states struggled to tame the virus, the debate over wearing facecoverings is heating up. Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp sued Atlanta Mayor KeishaLance Bottoms on Thursday over her efforts to require facemasks in publicplaces.

Kemp extended Georgia's emergency coronavirus restrictions and said whilepeople are "strongly encouraged" to wear face coverings -- they'renot required. While the order limits public gatherings to 50 people andmandates social distancing, it also prevents local governments fromimplementing stricter rules than the state's -- including requiring face masks.

But Bottoms' office told that her order remains in effect. "Scienceand data will continue to drive the city's decisions. Masks save lives," aspokesman said.

City officials took their outcry to social media, where the mayor tweetedthat " a better use of tax payer money would be to expand testing andcontact tracing."

Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr tweeted that residents are urged towear masks but the lawsuit is about the "rule of law."

And in Utah, a public meeting about a mask policy was abruptly canceledwhen people without face coverings packed the room. The crowd booed when it wascalled off.

"This is the exact opposite of what we need to be doing," UtahCounty Commissioner Tanner Ainge said at the meeting room in Provo. "We'resupposed to be physically distancing, wearing masks. This gathering violatescurrent health recommendations."

With a lack of federal mandates, states are taking matters into their ownhands and issuing orders requiring people to wear masks in public.

Colorado, Arkansas, Alabama and Montana require face masks in public placeswhen social distancing is impossible.











Lagging test results hamper efforts

States depend on testing data to make crucial decisions on reopenings andresources. But that data is lagging as testing sites get backed up.

Tests are being done in much larger numbers -- a positive development. Butthe increase is also slowing down results, and officials want to reduce waittimes for results.

"Even in the large commercial labs, and we follow this every singleday, there may be an outlier that's 10 days or 12days, we can't deny that thathappens," said Adm. Brett Giroir of the US Department of Health and HumanServices,

He wants test results back as fast as possible, but a three-day turnaroundis "very reasonable," he said.

Commercial labs have said they are backed up, with results often taking aslong as seven days to turn around. "I'm never going to say that I'm happywith any turnaround time, Giroir added.

Giroir says 700,000 to 800,000 people are being tested each day. That meansit'll be a week before officials know how many of them are infected.

Test results provide important information for contract tracers trying tofind people who might be infected. When testing results are delayed more thanthree days, not even perfect contact tracing can keep the spread of the virusfrom accelerating, researchers have warned.









Young people warned to be cautious

The nation's leading infectious disease expert has a message for youngpeople: you're not immune to serious infection.

While the data shows that young people are less likely to become seriouslyill, there's ample evidence of young people being "knocked out on theirback and brought to their knees pretty quick "by Covid-19, Dr. AnthonyFauci said.

He warned young people this is not the time to risk exposing themselves tothe virus. Many of them are getting horribly sick for weeks, he told FacebookCEO Mark Zuckerberg.

"I've never seen an infection with this broad range ofmanifestations," he said. "You're going to get back to normal, andyou'll be able to freely have fun, go to the bars, go with the crowds, but notnow."






States are stocking up on refrigerated trucks

The US coronavirus outbreak passed 3.5 million total infections Friday.

Thirty-nine states reported an increase in the number of new cases from theweek before. California, Florida, Arizona and Texas have become the states towatch as surging coronavirus cases lead to a shortage of hospital beds.

Arizona hospitals are struggling to deal with the influx of Covid-19patients. Dr. Murtaza Akhter, an emergency physician, described it as a"clogged sink with the faucet still running."

Arizona's high temperatures are causing additional problems for somewaiting to be tested for Covid-19. Some are fainting and ending up in theemergency room, Akhter said on Thursday night.

In Maricopa County, which has the most Covid-19cases in the state, themedical examiner's office has secured portable coolers to help store morebodies as morgues fill up, officials said.





