最新一期的美国《科学》期刊发表了题为《Words Matter》的社论,对美国总统特朗普在处理美国新冠疫情的过程中发表的关于美国科研人员的言辞表达了强烈的不满和批评,认为特朗普与历史上的美国总统迥然不同,许多往届总统创造了不少名言警句,特朗普却是词穷语囧,而且常常是恶语伤人,极具破坏性。下面选取这篇社论针对特朗普忽视科学工作和贬低科研人员的言辞进行批评的一些语句,供英语学习者和爱好者参考。

For more than 200 years, U.S. presidents have strived to deliver words of inspiration and humility that will stand the test of time.


Not surprisingly, President Donald Trump used the occasion of the first presidential debate of 2020 to deny reality, insult his opponent, and praise himself—all with his customary lean vocabulary.




…the only thing we have to fear is…fear itself.

这是富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)总统在1933年3月4日就职演讲中的一句话,全句是:So first of all, let me express my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror, which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance. (因此,首先,让我表明我的坚定的信念:我们唯一不得不恐惧的就是恐惧本身——一种不可名状的、丧失理智的、毫无根据的恐怖,从而将人们亟需的逆流而上努力奋进的精神毁于一旦。)据说,这句话为经济大萧条时期的美国点燃了举国同心同德的新精神之火。

a date which will live in infamy…

这也是罗斯福总统的一句名言,是在第二次世界大战期间日本偷袭珍珠港美军后发表的对日宣战演讲中的一句话,全句是:Yesterday, December 7th, 1941 -- a date which will live in infamy -- the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.(昨天,1941年12月7日----一个标志着耻辱的日子---美利坚合众国突然遭到日本帝国海军和空军的蓄谋攻击。)

ask not what your country can do for you…

这是约翰·肯尼迪总统在1961年1月20日就职演讲上的一句名言,全句是:And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.(所以,我的美国同胞们:不要问你们的国家能为你们做什么——要问你们能为你们的国家做什么。)


very fine people, on both sides(双方都有好人)。

这是特朗普这是2017年8月美国弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市(Charlottesville, Virginia)新纳粹( neo-Nazis)与普通民众之间发生导致人身伤亡的严重冲突之后发表的声明中的一句话,可谓一语惊天下的典型句子。这句话的全句是:“And you had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides.("那群人中有些很坏的人,但也有非常好的人,双方都有”。)特朗普把新纳粹当作好人的言辞受到了众多美国政治人物和媒体及民众的强烈批评,因而一语成名,成为特朗普招致赞成白人至上主义者(white supremacists)嫌疑的标志性言辞,一直为人所病诟。

I need loyalty…

这是特朗普对前联邦调查局(FBI)局长詹姆斯·科米(James Comey)说过的一句话,全句是:“I need loyalty, I expect loyalty.”(我需要忠诚,我期待忠诚。)

shithole countries

这是特朗普在质疑为什么接收来自海地和一些非洲国家而不是挪威等国的移民时所用的词语,全句是:“Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?”

stand back and stand by

这是特朗普在美国总统大选第一场辩论时拒绝主持人克里斯·华莱士要求他谴责白人至上主义者和极右组织(white supremacists and far-right groups )后发表的言辞,全句是:Proud Boys, stand back and stand by, but I’ll tell you what, somebody’s got to do something about antifa and the left, because this is not a right-wing problem. (骄傲的男孩,退后一步,袖手旁观,但我告诉你,有人要对反法西斯和左翼组织做点什么,因为这不是右翼问题。)

社论指出,特朗普一直以来的言辞与历届总统相比没有做到令人欢欣鼓舞,反而是在利用言辞进行大屠杀,使社会沉沦。社论更指出,在涉及新冠疫情的危机处理问题上,特朗普的言辞具有更大的破坏性,例如,特朗普把科学家认定为危机的新冠疫情叫作“新骗局” (new hoax),把超量的生命损失说成是 “就是这么回事”(it is what it is),把抗击病毒看作是可以消失的奇迹(like a miracle, it will disappear),他关于新冠疫情的沟通策略就是“我一直想要淡化它”(I always wanted to play it down.),而关于他作为国家危机中的总统的作用,他认为是:“不,我没有一点责任。”(“No, I don’t take responsibility at all.”),因此,特朗普的言辞远没有其他美国总统的深刻和令人感到安慰。


Long days and nights have been spent by scientists working at the bench, fighting to understand the causative virus and methods to defeat it. Epidemiologists have been analyzing their models trying to devise mitigations. Physician-scientists and their colleagues in academic hospitals have developed new approaches to bring down the death rate substantially.(科学家们伏案工作殚精竭虑熬过了漫长的日日夜夜攻关病毒起因以及战胜病毒的方法。流行病学家锲而不舍分析模型,极力设计缓解措施。医学院的医生科学家和同事已经研发出大幅降低死亡率的新方法。)

然而特朗普面对科研人员的付出和贡献不仅没有一句认可的话,反而大言不惭地声称:“我自己就能搞定。(I alone can fix it.)”


Words that criticized science for discouraging use of hydroxychloroquine, a drug that he is not taking now that he has COVID-19. Words that discouraged public health interventions that cost lives and led directly to his own superspreader event in the White House’s Rose Garden. Words that painted career scientists at the Food and Drug Administration, who have devoted their lives to protecting the public’s health, as the “deep state.” And words that implied that the only reason scientists were working so hard was because of his compelling exhortations to do him a favor and speed it up. (因羟基氯奎,一种他已经感染新冠病毒却不服用的药物,遭到劝阻使用而批评科学的言辞。劝阻公共卫生干预而导致出现白宫玫瑰园的超级传播者的事件的言辞。把毕生致力于保护公众健康的食品和药物管理局的职业科学家描绘成为"深层国家"的言辞。暗示科学家如此拼命的唯一原因是因为他迫切的训导而讨好他并加速工作的言辞。)

最后社论再次把指出,美国到处可见令人鼓舞催人奋进的名言警句,例如,马丁·路德·金的“I have a dream.”,但特朗普却对表达振奋精神的言辞非常吝啬,而投身于这次抗击疫情的科研人员和其他各界人士对于特朗普的要求非常简单,那就是特朗普很难说出口的两个词:感谢。以下是社论最后对特朗普提出的要求:

For the scientists and many others who have made sacrifices to fight this pandemic, we’d settle for just two words. Two words he has a hard time saying. Two words that he has rarely said to the vaccine scientists who have worked 18-hour days, their kids out of school and family members affected by the pandemic. Or to the health care workers, their faces raw from their protective masks and their souls crushed because they are living in self-isolation to protect their families, who have labored in the wards to bring down the death rate. Two words that he says now, only because he has been diagnosed with COVID-19 himself. Two words he should say constantly to those who have borne the battle of COVID-19. Two words Donald Trump struggles to say:

“Thank you.”

社论的作者是赫伯特·霍尔顿·索普(Herbert Holden Thorp),现任《科学》期刊主编,美国著名的化学家,曾担任北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校校长、华盛顿大学教务长等职务。索普在这篇社论不仅凭借作为科学家的底气对特朗普的令人泄气的言辞提出强烈批评,而且在语言修辞和表达方面也堪称典范,其中有很多突显学术特征的句式可以成为英语学习者和爱好者的学习样本,下面摘录几句以供学习参考:

Long days and nights have been spent by scientists working at the bench, fighting to understand the causative virus and methods to defeat it.(科学家们伏案工作殚精竭虑熬过了漫长的日日夜夜攻关病毒起因以及战胜病毒的方法。)

本句通过被动语态句式把Long days and nights作为主语,既符合英语表达习惯,又突出强调了科学家们熬过的漫长的日日夜夜。同时,从句式结构来看,本句的平衡处理的很好,scientists 后接现在分词短语working at the bench作后置定语,再接表示伴随状态的现在分词短语fighting to understand the causative virus and methods to defeat it,符合英语表达的尾部荷重原则。

Even with the vaccine that so many have worked toward, Trump has manufactured a rationale by which he is the one who deserves the credit.(甚至对于许多人所致力研制的疫苗,特朗普也制造了一个他才是值得赞扬的人的理由。)

本句出现了三个定语从句,that so many have worked toward和by which he is the one都是关系代词和介词连用,但前者采用that…toward形式,后者采用by which形式,可谓各具特色,异曲同工,那么避免句式重复甚或千篇一律是作为英语学习者和爱好者给予高度重视的。

The experimental antibody cocktail that he is taking is the fruit of a gargantuan effort by scientists fighting hard to understand the viral spike protein and characteristics of the most potent neutralizing antibodies.(他正在服用的实验性抗体鸡尾酒是科学家们竭力理解病毒性棘突蛋白和最强效中和抗体特性的巨大努力的成果。)


That effort stands on the shoulders of decades of fundamental research in immunology and structural biology, science that Trump has insulted and devalued by cutting funding for the National Institutes of Health in every budget he has submitted, but even more so with his words. (这是站在数十年来免疫学和结构生物学基础研究的肩膀上的努力,即科学,是特朗普在他提交的每一份预算中通过削减国家卫生研究院的资金来侮辱和贬低的科学,但相比之下,他的言辞更是如此。)

本句偏长而且更复杂,science可看作是同位语,复指前面的immunology and structural biology,然后再接定语从句。其中but even more so with his words应看作是省略了谓语的并列主谓结构,so复指 insulted and devalued,more表示比较,with表示方式。这个并列主谓结构同样是典型地道的英语表达方式,对于英语学习者和爱好者来说比较难理解,但也正是与汉语差别较大之处,更需要认真学习理解和掌握。
