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BBC News with Sue Montgomery.

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Canada has become the first country to designate the far-right extremist group the Proud Boys a terrorist organization. The all-male anti-immigrant group was founded by Canadian and it’s active in Canada, the United States and internationally. Nada Twafic reports. Ottawa said the group is a neo fascist organization whose members have openly encouraged, planned and conducted violent activities against perceived political opponents. The government cited the group's involvement in targeting Black Lives Matter protesters and their pivotal role in the January 6th insurrection at the US Capitol. Several Proud Boys were arrested in connection with the attack by US officials, including the group's leader.

The Democrats speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has confirmed there will be a full vote on Thursday about whether to strip a Republican representative of her role and two key congressional committees. Marjorie Taylor Greene from Georgia is said to have encouraged bogus conspiracy theories and made anti-Semitic comments online. The vote follows what the House speaker called the cowardly refusal of Republican leaders to punish Ms. Greene. Lebo Diseko reports. Marjorie Taylor Greene is an ardent fan of the former president. She’s also embraced conspiracy theories, including that school shootings and 911 was staged. And she's accused of liking posts on social media supporting violence and even execution of leaders of the Democratic Party. The Republican leader in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarthy said her past comments did not represent the values or beliefs of his party. But while he condemned them, he's not shot of saying what if any punitive action he would take.

A bipartisan report to the US Congress has strongly urged the Biden administration to delay the planned withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan. The remaining American troops are due to leave by May the 1st, but the top US General Joseph Dunford who co-chaired the report warned that may be too soon. Secunder Kermani has more details. Under an agreement signed by the Trump administration and the Taliban last year, all foreign forces will be withdrawn from the country by this May if the Taliban fulfill promises not to allow Al-Qaeda to operate on their territory. Now, General Dunford and many others say the insurgents are not yet complying with that. What's more as we've been reporting, they've been continuing to launch fierce attacks on the Afghan government. It was engaging in a very slow-moving peace talks, prompting fears the Taliban will launch an attempted military takeover of Afghanistan once foreign forces leave.

The US government says it has no intention of reopening talks with Venezuela. A State Department spokesman called the Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, a dictator, and said direct negotiations between the two countries wouldn't happen any time soon. BBC News.

