What are some common mysteries that are not really mysteries at all?


Nearly every single one ever.


1: Burmuda Triangle

1: 百慕大三角

I remember as a boy watching a history channel special on the Bermuda triangle. I learned about flight 19 and other missing planes and ships. I remember being mystified by it and thinking it was so cool.


Then I turned 8


The Bermuda Triangle is not a mystery- at all. It is one of those fictional mysteries people think are real.


The whole concept began in the 1950s with an article in Fate Magazine. Fate Magazine is mostly fictional- it is meant to create mystery and horror by appearing real when in reality, it is all fiction.


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After that, the legend steadily grew into what it is today. But here are the fact


  • There are not an inordinate amount of disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle. Any similarly sized (and similarly well-traveled) piece of the ocean has as many (if not more) disappearances.
  • 百慕大三角地区没有过多的失踪案件。任何大小相似(旅行也差不多)的海域都有同样多(如果不是更多)的失踪者。
  • Disappearances in the ocean are not unusual. The ocean is very large and very deep. One rouge way is all it takes to make a large ship disappear forever.
  • 在海洋中失踪并不罕见。海洋很大很深。一条胭脂路就足以让一艘大船永远消失。
  • Flight 19 is easily explainable. I don’t mean I can find a rational explanation, I mean all the evidence supports the conclusion that it was just pilot error. This goes for every “mystery”
  • 19号航班很容易解释。我不是说我能找到一个合理的解释,我是说所有的证据都支持这只是飞行员的失误的结论。这是每一个“谜”

2: Roswell

2: 罗斯韦尔

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I love Roswell if only for the fact people still cling to it as proof of alien life.


The story goes that an alien spacecraft crashed, was found by a local, and then the government came in to cover it up- later stating it was a weather balloon.


Well here is what ACTUALLY happened from declassified documents.


At this time the US had found a way to measure sounds across the globe. They could deploy sensors way high in the atmosphere and when a certain someone tested a nuclear weapon we could use these sensors to estimate the size of the blast and its location.


In a world before satellites, this was super crucial and top-secret technology. The US obviously did not want Russia knowing we had this technology.


So when one of them crashed the US said it was a weather balloon. People, living in a world without computers in every pocket, dreamed up an alien craft and the government was fine with that, as long as nobody actually discovered the full truth.


3: Ghosts

3: 鬼魂

Ghosts are a tricky topic because people struggle with viewing death and life after death. To us humans ghosts make sense but in reality, they are not real.


There are serious problems with ghosts like


  • Despite billions of video cameras around the globe, there has never been any significant proof of ghosts or any proof at all. Never a video or verified recording or even a photo.
  • 尽管全球有数十亿台摄像机,但从来没有任何重要的鬼魂证据或任何证据。从来没有一个视频或验证记录,甚至一张照片。
  • The “science” is super shakey. You use EVP to detect ghost voices, why? How does that make sense? Why can’t ghost communicate normally? Or why do ghosts change the temperature, that also does not add up.
  • “科学”是超级震撼的。你用EVP来检测鬼魂的声音,为什么?这有什么意义?为什么鬼魂不能正常交流?或者鬼魂为什么要改变温度,那也算不上。

There are paranormal scholars that spend their careers looking for proof of ghosts and have always come up empty.


Like Bigfoot, little green men, the Lochness monster (who needs $3·50), and demons, ghosts remain alive only in our imagination.


Are Ghosts Real?— Evidence Has Not Materialized


The Large Hadron Collider has proved the truth about ghosts, claims Brian Cox


4: Who was behind 9/11

4: 谁是911的幕后黑手

Be rational for a second and answer me this- what scenario sounds more plausible.


A: A terrorist network previously attached to the US lead by an extremist is able to attack the US by Hijacking civilian aircraft which have minimal security in place to prevent such an action. 2 planes are flown into the World Trade Centers, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 crashes in a field when the passengers take it over.

A: 一个由极端分子领导的恐怖分子网络,通过劫持民用飞机来攻击美国,而民用飞机的安全性很低,无法阻止这种行动。有两架飞机飞进世贸中心,一架飞进五角大楼,还有一架在乘客接机时坠毁在一片田地里。

The World Trade Center towers burn for hours. The increased heat causes the steel beams that run laterally to sag thus pulling the building in from the middle. Debris rains down causing fires in other buildings like WTC7 where the sprinkler system fails.


Eventually, those steal beans cannot take the stress and snap.. This snap causes the top portion of the town to fall down on the lower portion, thus beginning a tower collapse. In around 20 seconds the first Tower collapses and a while later the second follows suit.


B: The Bush administration wants a war in the Middle East so they engineer a plan to attack the US and thus enrage the population to justify the coming war.

B: 布什政府希望在中东发动一场战争,因此他们策划了一个攻击美国的计划,从而激怒了民众,为即将到来的战争辩解。

First, they hire suicidal army pilots to fly 2 planes into the Twin Towers. The Towers begin to burn but the government also had men disguised as repair staff secretly place bombs inside the building to demolish it.


Then they take a cruise missile and make it look like a plane (because 300 witnesses saw it) and fly that weird missile into the Pentagon. The people on the flight the supposedly crashed are rerouted to an army base and mass executed by confused army personnel.


Then they hijack another plane and tell the passengers to call their loved ones and say Muslims took the plane over- they then kill all these passengers.


Honestly now- is this really a question?


I mean how dumb would the government have to be? I get the concept of false flags and agree the government is capable of such an action. But why not just put a bomb in a van and blow it up. That would be as effective and super simple.


This government conspiracy is so complicated and detailed (and stupid) it makes no sense. It‘s the dumbest plan ever because it was never a plan. It’s just people trying to make the pieces fit into this conspiracy narrative.
