How does the Russian 3M22 Zircon hypersonic missile compare to China’s Dongfeng DF-21?


I have an unpopular opinion as an engineer with lifelong interest for aviation.


Scramjets are overated…


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They are not significantly more efficient than a good designed rocket engine. There are also a few problems with them.


1- Their very low thrust to weight ratio (around 2) means they can not function well in the lower atmosphere. They simply can’t defeat air resistance. Tsirkon will be a high flyer just like an anti-ship missile from 1950s.


2- They can’t go above the atmosphere which negates their efficiency advantage against rockets.


These are probably why they never got much attention from the US navy or Air force. Despite multiple prototypes they were never deployed by the US military. Both China’s and the USA’s hypersonics programs are going after boosted gliders like DF-17 and DF-21D.


My vote goes to DF-21D. It has a much longer range, it seperates which makes it much more maneuverable and smaller during the final phase, it flies at a trajectory that all the US naval SAMs except the SM-3 are simply not capable of countering , and it carries a full fledged fighter-sized AESA radar.
