What is something unrealistic that you often see in movies that annoys the hell out of you?


I like watching war movies. The 1st season of Vikings and Rome were great to watch. You saw the battle formation, the use of tactical discipline


Unfortunately, most battles sequences from most movies and shows – Return of the King, Gladiator, Vikings seasons 3 to 6, 300, Braveheart descend into porno-violence.


Both sides abandon any semblance of order, lose all tactical cohesion for no good reason, rush at each other, swords waving, actors screaming dramatically like a crazy meth addict in the street, ho hum. Is it a heavy metal mosh pit? You see it once, you will see it a million times. And it gets boring.


Where is the shield wall? Why aren’t they using their spears?


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HBO Rome put the effort to show how the ancient Roman fought. But for most shows the director or writers don’t care.


Most “war shows” depict battle as a giant free for all. It makes no sense and it gets tiresome to watch.


well. IDK why this is never mentioned. but it’s pretty much RETARDED.


the movies where like 20 enemies shooting at movie protagonist or antagonist. and to prove how the antagonist and the protagonist are powerful and almighty, the pullets just never hit them.


either they’re driving a car and being chased by a helicopter that’s shooting rockets and auto-machine gun at the car, or they’re just going all Rambo there shooting at enemies, with headshots and QUANTA KILLs and ACE while their enemies always miss somehow.


IDK how people just take these shit and find it acceptable lol.


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also, the movies of “oh wow, this is convenient” moments. where things just happen for either the antagonist or protagonist extremely “conveniently”.


you’re losing or getting surrounded, no chance of survival at a top of a building, but at last sec, a helicopter just arrives, and you jump in it.


in real life. if this happened just once, you can consider yourself very lucky.


this what makes me dislike 90% of action movies. it’s like “oh wow let me guess, the protagonist is going to win, maybe just one pullet that has won the 0.00001 chance lottery hits him during the movie, very cool, very cool.”


and honestly, I don’t find it “fun” watching people who intentionally miss-aim at their enemies because just..retarded, and pullets hit walls or whatever and just random “cool” explosions, yay -_-




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Notice anything odd? No? I do. They’re wearing shoes. ON THEIR BEDS. Shoes they’ve presumably walked around in all day. Who does this? I see it in almost every American high school movie, and I always just think, “Jesus, the amount of germs and dirt you’re going to get on your bed – the place where you sleep.”


Not sure if it’s a common thing to walk around with shoes on in the house in other places, but in the UK, we take ours off at the door.


So this shit has never made sense to me.
