Is there a real reason why ancient armies didn’t have female soldiers, or was it just sexism?


I cannot decide if this question is serious or not. I mean it‘s obvious, isn’t it?


Here are a few indisputable facts


  • Men on average are taller than women
  • 男人平均比女人高
  • Men on average are stronger than women, having more muscle mass and the ability to more easily gain muscle mass
  • 平均来说,男人比女人强壮,拥有更多的肌肉和更容易获得肌肉的能力
  • Men are wider than woman- having shoulders that are broader
  • 男人比女人宽——肩膀比女人宽
  • Men do not menstruate or get pregnant
  • 男人不月经也不怀孕

Ancient warfare is brutal. Any human can pull a trigger and a bullet fired by a female is as deadly as one fired by a male.


In ancient warfare, is was all swords, shields, spears, and armor. It was extremely physical. You would need to swing heavy chunks of metal in desperate fights for your life while wearing tons of metal armor.


It was brutal, violent, aggressive, and long. Many battles would last days.


A female facing a male would be a quick fight. This always is a quick fight. That’s why women are overwhelmingly the victims of sexual assault and domestic violence- men can physically overpower them at all.


An army of women facing an army of men would be a very quick and very violent battle.


Let’s look at a historical example.


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Queen Boudica of the Iceni tribe revolted against the Roman Empire in 61 AD. She mobilized the entire tribal population of the region against the Romans and many ancient sources say that the women outnumbered the men in her army.


Boudica’s army was said to number 230,000 though 70,000 seems more realistic. She would face down 2 Roman legions, numbering 10,000 in total·


Now 7 to 1 odds are extremely lopsided. In addition, most of the Iceni forces had captured Roman weapons and armor. You would expect this battle to be a slaughter right?


Well, it was a slaughter- it was just the Romans that did the slaughtering. Estimates of Boudica’s casualties vary from 80,000 to 20,000 but her army was destroyed and a huge percentage was just flat out slaughtered. The Romans meanwhile lost only a few hundred men.


Now many have asked “why not add women to make your army larger” and on the surface, this seems logical.


But if you think about it- it never makes sense to do this.


A big factor in warfare is what percentage of your population can be mobilized to fight. You need people to do the farming, to run the government, and to run the society. You cannot mobilize your whole population because at the very least you need farmers and blacksmiths.


Not to mention the old and young who need tending too and everything else.


In war, you can only mobilize a small percentage of the population and that is just the reality.


The Romans were perhaps the best organized and most advanced civilization until the modern era. Even then they could only ever mobilize about 500,000 men out of a population of 50+ million.


Even in the modern era (like in WW2) with women working to produce military hardware (like in the US) you still could only mobilize maybe 10%-20% of your total population.


So if you are the Romans and you are only going to mobilize maybe 1% of the population, why would you mobilize the weakest and smallest members of your civilization? You would do what every nation does- and select the largest and strongest men to serve in the army.


Then we get to other issues- biology


Women have periods and women get pregnant. Say you have an army of 50,000. These people live together, eat together, and fight together. Imagine now half are men and half are women- what do you think happens? That’s right, lots of sex.


Lots of sex means lots of babies. Women who are pregnant cannot do much active- they certainly cannot fight in battle. It’s not that this lasts a few days or hours, it lasts for months.


Then you have periods. Periods can last about 5 days a month meaning for 60 days of the year women are struggling with health issues like cramps, irritability, and there are sanitary issues.


Do periods make women unfunctional? Not at all. It’s actually a really minor thing. But in warfare, even a minor thing can have serious consequences. If this factor slows or weakens your army even 1% why would you bother with it?


This all compounds when you again realize you don‘t need women. It’s unnecessary. Since you can only mobilize a small part of your population you have more than enough men so why add women? Why add people that are shorter and weaker and who get pregnant and have persistent constant health issues (even though they are minor).


You mean aside from the fact that on average women are weaker than men, and this difference would matter a lot more before the invention of gunpowder weaponry? It’s because women are the limiting factor on how fast you can replenish your population.


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If your tribe is reduced to 10 people, and one of them is a man, then your can replenish your numbers 9 times faster than if one if them was a woman. It’s simple math.


Every woman lost in warfare is also the loss of any children she might have had. Every man lost can be replaced by another man. Many of these ancient societies practiced polygyny, so a decrease in men wouldn’t effect the rate at which soldiers are replenished.


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A samurai’s wife was expected to study the art of war. She would not accompany him into battle, but if her home was attacked she would be able to defend it. Or failing that, kill the children and then herself.


For this reason you don’t see any ancient societies that had significant number of female soldiers. Women might have been taught to fight as a last line of defense, but a significant reason for war was to either defend your own women, or to claim the women of your enemies. Once the battle reaches your women then you’ve already lost.


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At the Battle of Vosges Germanic women arrived with children and bare breasts to remind their husbands what exactly it was they were defending.


Keep in mind, that for most of human history there were fewer than a billion people in the world. Life expectancy was 30, and most of that number was skewered by deaths in early childhood. The question of how to replace dead soldiers was an important one. And it doesn’t take a genius to realize that the first step is to make sure you protect the women to replace those soldiers.


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Today women are allowed to serve in the armed forces because we have guns and because life expectancy in the US is 78 years. There will always be another batch of 17 year olds to throw into the meatgrinder. But that wasn’t always the case.


There are several reasons that men have historically done the fighting, but I would say the main reason is that females in ancient times were valuable to the continuity of a society from a reproductive point.


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For example, let’s say you were an ancient town and you had 300 male warriors and 300 women of childbearing age. Now, if 299 of those men were killed fighting another town, the lone surviving warrior could theoretically produce 300 babies in one year by mating with the 300 women. Now, reverse the situation — if 299 female warriors were killed in the fight and only 1 survived — you’re getting one baby (and a lot of blue balls) or maybe two babies if she has twins. And you’ll probably lose some of your men as they start killing each other trying to be the one who gets to claim her sexual rights and mate with her.


Also, most women in ancient times would have been pregnant or burdened with caring for their children. With no reliable birth control, many women spent their fertile years pregnant or nursing infants. It‘s hard to jump up and march off to war if you’re pregnant or have a passel of kids and a household to oversee.


You also have to take into account that we are a dimorphic species and males are typically larger and significantly stronger than females and far more aggressive. Despite what Hollywood tells you, that matters in hand-to-hand combat. Males have greater muscle mass and substantially more upper body strength. While strength still matters in modern armies to a degree, the smallest female soldier can still pull a trigger. In ancient warfare, you have to account for equipment and armor. Fighting was brutal and up close, so strength, endurance, and agility could mean the difference between life and death. Could a woman be a successful soldier in ancient times? Some, but I think they would be the exception.


Besides glory, ancient warriors were often fighting to protect their wives and families — I don‘t think it would have done their peace of mind any good worrying about their womenfolk being in harm’s way to possibly be killed, mutilated, or captured and taken away to be raped by the enemy and then enslaved.
