Streetwear, originated from American street culture, is a symbol and sign of the identity of young people. In the global trillion-dollar fashion market, streetwear as an emerging force has a huge commercial value. Streetwear consumers aspire changes and challenges. When social platforms provide everyone with the same display opportunities, they are eager to show their distinctive preferences on these platforms. Such ideas have spawned the outbreak of fashion brands. This article today will introduce the story of streetwear, how it disrupted fashion and luxury industry, but also how important streetwear is in China now, how it developed the unique expressions around street trends, KOLs, entertainment and gaming culture, and the extreme rise of sneaker shoe cultures. More significantly, how and why it can be a huge opportunity for Chinese fashion industry.


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The History and Definition of Streetwear


First, let’s define streetwear more specifically. Streetwear is about fashionable, casual and cool clothes targeting the younger consumers, usually below 25. Popular products include jeans, baseball caps, hoodies, track pants, leggings, oversized team jerseys, and of course the star products now, T-shirts and sneakers. Streetwear’s root is the countercultures of the 70’s to 90’s, including skate, hip-hop and rap music in New York, surf in California, and graffiti art, punk, new wave and heavy metal music, even Japanese street fashion.


Many surfers and skaters adopted a DIY approach to show their uniqueness. Shawn Stussy, a pioneer of the movement began selling cool printed T-shirts in California in the 80’s, featuring the same signature he placed on his own custom surfboards. In this way, he mimicked the limited feel of a high-end luxury brand with these two components of what makes a streetwear brand: T-shirts and exclusivity.

许多冲浪和滑板爱好者都采用DIY方式来展示自己的独特性。街头运动的先驱肖恩·斯图西(Shawn Stussy)80年代开始在加利福尼亚州出售酷炫的印花T恤,印制的图案与他在自己的定制冲浪板上的相同。这样,他通过构成街头服装品牌的以下两个要素——T恤和独一无二的标志——模仿出高端奢侈品牌的限量感。

The 90s were a big year for streetwear with its popularity spreading around the globe. Japanese brand BAPE was founded in 1993, Supreme opened its first store in New York in 1994. The mindset behind streetwear appeared even earlier in the 60s with Andy Warhol questioning what constitutes contemporary art, then artists such as Jean-Michel Basquiat and Keith Haring extended this conversation to street art, challenging traditional notions of “who could access art and who it was for”. In the same way, hip-hop and rap were breaking music rules, finding art and sound in unconventional ways.

90年代是潮牌发展至关紧要的一年,从这一年开始其流行程度开始遍及全球。日本品牌BAPE成立于1993年,Supreme于1994年在纽约开设了第一家商店。潮牌的思想基础出现在在60年代初期,当时的艺术家安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)质疑当代艺术的构成,接着让·米歇尔·巴斯奎特(Jean-Michel Basquiat)和基思·哈林(Keith Haring)等艺术家将这种思想扩展为街头,向传统的“谁可以接触艺术以及艺术服务于谁”的观念发出挑战。同样,嘻哈音乐和说唱音乐也打破了音乐规则,以非常规的方式寻找艺术和音乐形式。

Streetwear can be compared to an artist’s street art or a hip-hop artist’s lyrics: picking a spot and dropping a signature. This gives streetwear a level of authenticity unmatched in the fashion industry. Streetwear is not just a trend within fashion, rather the fashion expression of a larger popular culture, merging fashion, art and music.


Streetwear and Luxury


Let’s now understand how streetwear disrupted the fashion and luxury industry. Luxury fashion operates through a top-down effect, with insiders acting as gatekeepers of the newest styles and trends. Luxury fashion brands maintain a marketing strategy of trying to be always ahead of the trends and imposing their signature, their aesthetic vision. Streetwear, in contrast, reversed this formula with a more democratic model, where the tastemakers are the audience on the street and their opinions, of course they deviate from traditional fashion and luxury codes.


According to Hypebeast, a leading online platform specialized in contemporary fashion and streetwear trends, consumers buy streetwear products because they are cool and comfortable. But they also mentioned exclusivity, status symbol and community. What began as a niche culture, with the printing of logos on T-shirts, is now a primary driver in the fashion luxury industry.


Streetwear progressively aggregated different sectors, from pure streetwear brands to sport and sportswear brands, fashion and luxury brands up to haute couture, and also some specific sports categories such as basketball, baseball, etc. We can distinguish 4 categories of players at least:


First, original streetwear brands like Supreme, BAPE, Stussy, Vans, Palace that offer accessible prices, comfortable clothing and authenticity. Products from these brands often resell at a high price point due to scarcity and high demand.


Then luxury streetwear brands like Off-white and AMBUSH, blurring the lines between original streetwear and luxury fashion, also driven by authenticity with a higher price and diverging from the streetwear uniform.


Third, sportswear brands like Nike, Converse, Adidas, Reebok, Puna, Fila, whose offering of athletic wear and sneakers are integral to the streetwear style. Their sneakers belong to the streetwear uniform.


Last, we have brands from mass fashion to luxury fashion and even celebrity brands, that include streetwear trends and style in their product offering, but their brand origin is not authentically tied to the streetwear movement.


Most luxury fashion brands do streetwear collaborations like LV with Supreme, or with the hiring of Virgil Abloh, Gucci with Dapper Dan, BAPE with Comme des Garcons, Gosha Rubchinsky with Burberry, also sneakers capsule collections like Balenciaga with Nike, McCartney with Adidas, Fila with Fendi and Stussy with Dior resently. Few luxury brands stay away from streetwear as they wish to attract a younger audience and think that streetwear collaborations will make them cool in the eye of Gen Z, also because formal wear is less popular nowadays.

大多数奢侈品牌都与潮牌合作,例如与LV与Supreme,Gucci与Dapper Dan,BAPE与Comme des Garcons,Gosha Rubchinsky与Burberry。也包括运动鞋系列的合作,例如Balenciaga与耐克,McCartney与Adidas,Fila与Fendi,以及最近的Stussy与Dior。很少有奢侈品牌会远离潮牌,它们希望吸引年轻的观众,并认为与潮牌饰的合作能使奢侈品牌在Z世代的眼中变得年轻化,也是因为正装如今已不那么流行。

Streetwear and China


Western streetwear culture was imported to China many years ago, but until 3 years ago, it was a type of underground culture that only a small group of people was interested in. It changed recently thanks to popular Chinese reality shows, for instance Rap of China, which pushed it into the mainstream. It is now a way for young affluent Chinese consumers to show their uniqueness, a deeper and subtle form of self-expression. Also, streetwear sports like basketball and skateboarding are growingly popular.


In the west, streetwear is male dominated, styles are adopted and driven by men depicting masculine looks. In China, streetwear is more gender balanced. It could be an opportunity for China to develop a specific streetwear sub-culture.


The rise of streetwear culture in China is an opportunity for Chinese fashion brands, as China is starting to create its own streetwear eco-system. First, Chinese sports brands such as Anta are emerging, making interesting acquisitions like Wilson, Fila, Arc Teryk. Second, many digital streetwear platforms exist, like YOHO which partnered with Dazed created Yoho girl, promoting not only western streetwear brands like Stussy and Undercover but also new local brands. Events like Tmall China Day at New York Fashion Week or JD.COM runaway shows in London can also help emerging Chinese streetwear brands. Sneaker events like Sneaker Con or Innersect gather each year in Shanghai, attracting a lot of young consumers around a mix of western and local sneaker brands.

随着中国特有的街头品牌经济生态系统的诞生和演变,潮牌的兴起为中国时尚品牌提供了机会。首先,诸如安踏(Anta)之类的中国体育品牌正在兴起,并收购了Wilson(威尔逊),Fila(菲拉)和始祖鸟(Arc Teryk)等国际品牌。其次,许多潮流文化传播平台应势而起,例如YOHO与Dazed合作创建的Yoho girl时尚资讯平台,不仅推广西方潮牌(如Stussy和Undercover),也推广新的本地品牌。纽约时装周的天猫中国日或伦敦的京东“京·制”时装秀等活动也可以为新兴的中国街头潮牌助力。知名球鞋展会,如Sneaker Con或Innersect每年都在上海举行,许多中外球鞋品牌的亮相吸引着广大年轻消费者。

Young Chinese fashion designers influenced by streetwear can also leverage Chinese incubators like Labelhood in Shanghai or Alibaba’s Taobao Maker’s Festival in Hangzhou. Two Chinese designers recently used collaboration: Masha Ma collaborated with sports group Anta and Angel Chen collaborated with Labelhood and Adidas recently on sneakers. KOLs are also important for the development of streetwear in China, like VAVA, one of the most famous female rappers who gained fame with the Sichuanese rap, has brought a new wave of streetwear among her fans.

受街头文化影响的年轻中国设计师们还可以借力线上孵化社区来一展拳脚,例如上海的蕾虎或杭州阿里巴巴的淘宝造物节。最近有两名中国设计师运用了潮牌合作策略:马玛莎(Masha Ma)与体育集团安踏(Anta)合作,而陈安琪(Angel Chen)与蕾虎和阿迪达斯(Adidas)合作了联名款球鞋。 KOL对于中国街头服饰的发展也很重要,例如VAVA,中国著名女说唱歌手之一,因她的四川话说唱而声名鹊起,她对潮牌的热爱在她的粉丝中掀起了新一波热潮,从而影响更多年轻人。



Understanding cultural trends is key for fashion and luxury brands if they want to be culturally innovative or at least stay relevant. We entered an era where culture and trends are more fragmented and fluid than ever, with niche interests turning quickly into major mass market trends with much shorter lifespans. So, there is not one streetwear culture but more and more fragmented sub-cultures that can grow and disappear very fast. This can be an opportunity for Chinese streetwear brands due to the speed of China market.


Millennials and Gen Z are crucial to the future of luxury fashion brands in China. Western luxury fashion brands have successfully engaged with many of them, but it is a big crowd and some of the Chinese Gen Z in particular will be willing to follow Chinese streetwear brands if they understand their desire to belong to a community driven by coolness but also values such as authenticity and a form of exclusivity.


Streetwear culture was a pioneer in cross-over between different sectors, fashion, music, art. Culture always comes before fashion.


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