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▲ 大理“花醉艺术中心” Dali“Huazui Art Center” ©Zhao Junce


The Dali Huazui Art Center project is defined as a comprehensive cultural and creative aesthetic space integrating wedding art, photography, exhibition, catering and accommodation.

01. 设计缘起「 旅拍 」

The origin of design "Travel Shooting"


On the road around the lake near the project site, no matter if the weather is cloudy or sunny, there are men and women pursuing a solemn pledge of love taking wedding dresses. Obviously, it is not ideal to take pictures on the side of the road where cars come and go. For the designer, it is very meaningful to create a comfortable and exciting aesthetic space with the owner to meet the needs of the tourists taking pictures.

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▲大理“花醉艺术中心” Dali“Huazui Art Center” ©Zhao Junce

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▲户外旋转楼梯 Outdoor Spiral Staircase ©RENPENG Image

02. 设计立意「 建筑即景观 」

The design conception "Building is Landscape"


Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake, and Jade Belt Clouds are the most expressive natural landscapes in Dali. You will often see rising clouds and mist floating between the mountains and the lake.

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苍山洱海玉带云 Cangshan Mountain, Erhai Lake, and Jade Belt Clouds ©Internet


The renovation design restores such a landscape intention, allowing the building to meander and float like a "jade belt cloud". As a result, the building is landscaped and integrated into the mountainside, at the same time, the building serves as a container for the landscape, facing the Cangshan Mountain and the Erhai Lake in space.

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▲俯览大理“花醉艺术中心” Overview of Dali “Huazui Art Center” ©Zhao Junce

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▲大理“花醉艺术中心”夜景 Night View of Dali “Huazui Art Center” ©LC•studio

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▲晚霞、夜景 Sunset Glow, Night View ©Dali “Huazui Art Center”

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▲竖琴天梯& 礼堂 Harp Ladder & Chapel ©Zhao Junce

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▲竖琴礼堂 Harp Ladder ©Zhao Junce

03. 场地策略「 连接与再造 」

Site Strategy "Connection and Reconstruction"


A "wind and rain corridor" connects more possibilities between the building and the site, providing a three-dimensional and diverse tour experience.

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▲情书广场与光影长廊 Love Letter Square & Light and Shadow Corridor ©Zhao Junce


The part of the corridor is loweded and raised at the important space nodes, forming a chapeland a ladder which dialogues with the distant mountains and lake.

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▲竖琴天梯& 礼堂 Harp Ladder & Chapel ©Zhao Junce


The corridor is not only a streamlined transportation system, but also a recreation play space, an important medium connecting place and spirit.

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▲婚礼草坪 Wedding Lawn ©Zhao Junce

04. 运用自然「 光影与红岩 」

Use natural "light and shadow & red rock"


With the help of Dali's abundant sunshine resources, the architectural design is like a musical instrument, which can compose the movement of light and shadow: from the graceful light spots in the entrance corridor to the ceremonial array of light and shadow lines in the chapel, and the hyperboloid roof forms a vague diffuse reflection, like the casual music on the cloud beating gently.

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▲竖琴礼堂的阵列光影线条 Array of Light and Shadow Lines in the Harp Chapel ©Zhao Junce


The construction work exposed the natural Karst red rock to the retaining wall, which is a resource that cannot be ignored in the site. In the indoor and outdoor design, we intentionally preserve the natural beauty of the original rock surface. This combination of artificial and nature gives the space a sense of breathing.

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▲ 土墙裸露出天然的喀斯特红岩 The wall exposes natural Karst red rock ©USUAL Studio

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▲ 裸露的天然红岩成为餐厅空间背景 The exposed natural red rock becomes the background of the restaurant space ©LC•studio

05. 旅拍体验「 摄影艺术与空间美学 」

Travel Photography Experience "Photographic Art and Space Aesthetics"


The aesthetic space has an important basic function: to meet people's needs for taking pictures and checking in a famous site. In this project, it is also necessary for the designer to learn to use the language of the lens and use the lens as a pen to describe the unique travel photography space.

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▲ 红色空间 Red Space ©Liang Chen


For different functional spaces, we have designed a series of different themed scenes, connecting these scenes in a developmental space streamline. Different people will walk through them in different ways, producing their own lens stories and different experiences.

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▲ 竖琴礼堂 & 天梯 Harp Ladder & Chapel ©Secret Gallery Image

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▲户外沙滩泳池景观 Outdoor Beach Pool View ©LC•studio

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▲ 户外圆形泡池 Outdoor Circular Pool ©Mo Fei

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▲ 1号楼取景 Viewing of Building 1 ©LC•studio

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▲ 光影长廊 Light and Shadow Corridor ©LC•studio

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▲ 屋顶休闲平台 Rooftop Leisure Platform ©LC•studio

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▲ 下沉卡座庭院 Sinking Deck Courtyard ©LC•studio

06. 改造过程与技术图纸

Transformation process and technical drawings

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▲ 改造前 Before transformation ©USUAL Studio

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▲ 改造中 In the transformation ©USUAL Studio

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▲改造后 After transformation ©赵浚策 Zhao Junce

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▲ 总平面图 General Layout ©USUAL Studio

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▲ 西立面图 West Elevation ©USUAL Studio






设计机构|寻常设计事务所(USUAL Studio)

Website: http://usualstudio.cn

Contact E-mail: usualstudio@hotmail.com



图片摄影|赵浚策、RENPENG影像、花醉艺术中心、USUAL Studio、LC•studio、梁晨、秘密画廊、莫非



Project Name:Jade Belt Cloud – Dali "Huazui Art Center" Design

Design Contents: Architecture, Landscape, Interior Design

Project Location: Dali, China

Gross Built Area (square meters): 4000㎡

Design Year: 2020 / Completion Year: 2021

Design Company: USUAL Studio

Website: http://usualstudio.cn

Contact E-mail: usualstudio@hotmail.com

Leader Designer: Lin Jingrui

Design Team: Wang Kunhui, Wen Hsin, Shenjiajun, Huang Kaiqi, Shen Minghui

Photo Credits: Zhao Junce, RENPENG Image, Huazui Art Center,USUAL Studio,LC•studio, Liang Chen, Secret Gallery Image, Mo Fei

Client:Dali "Huazui Art Center"

Building Materials: Steel, Metal Aluminum Plate, Glass, White Exterior Wall Paint, Terrazzo