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TEGOPepUP 四肽-4无惧地心引力,提拉紧致仿生四肽

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Name: Tetrapeptide-4

Alias : TEGO Pep UP

Sequence : GEPG

Molecular formula: C14H22N4O7

Molecular weight : 358.35

Purity: 95.0%

Source: synthetic

MSDS and COA: available

Details: Tetrapeptide-4 acts as an anti-aging, lifting and anti-wrinkle agent. It is a tetrapeptide which increases the collagen production of the skin and the fiber production in the extracellular matrix. This results in reduced wrinkle depth and more defined facial contours as visual effects. Tetrapeptide-4 is suitable for use in anti-aging and other formulations for skin care.

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云希四肽-4可作为抗衰老,提升和抗皱剂。 它是一种四肽,可增加皮肤的胶原蛋白生成和细胞外基质中的纤维生成。 这样可以减少皱纹深度,并通过视觉效果使面部轮廓更加清晰。 四肽-4适用于抗衰老和其他皮肤护理配方。