

第一期 2021年3月1日~2021年5月31日




第五期 2021年8月1日~2021年10月1日


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剑桥大学(University of Cambridge;勋衔:Cantab),是一所世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,坐落于英国剑桥。其与牛津大学并称为牛剑,与牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院同属“G5超级精英大学”。八百多年的校史汇聚了牛顿、开尔文、霍金、达尔文、图灵等学术巨匠。

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Panel/Global Vector Autoregressive Models(PVAR/GVAR)

Long-run Structural Macroeconometrics

Estimation and Inference

Hypothesis Testing

Model Selection



1. 计划申请英国名校金融、经济、商科等相关专业的大学生;

2. 有一定科研经验履历优先
















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Week 1 Learning Summary

The first week to Cambridge was a week of quick and state adjustment, fortunately I adapted quickly and soon integrated into study. The learning progress is as follows:


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1.A general understanding of the types and methods of Data Analysis.

2.Carry out the writing of an article with the topic of housing crisis in China, explore the solution to the housing crisis in China, through the collection and analysis of data for a more persuasive explanation, which focuses on the 'tenant-friendly' city.


5.The article is assigned to a paper entitled' The impact of coronavirus on Chinese economy' to analyze the impact of coronavirus outbreaks on china's economy from multiple perspectives by collecting the latest data.


1.对Data Analysis的类型和方法做大致的了解。

2.进行一篇文章的写作,以Housing crisis in China为题目,探索解决中国住房危机的方法,通过对数据的收集和分析进行更具说服力的解释,其中重点对tenant-friendly city进行了分析。


5.布置了一篇文章的写作,以The impact of coronavirus on Chinese economy为题目,通过收集最新数据,从多个角度分析冠状病毒的爆发对中国经济带来的影响。


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Week 2 Learning Summary

Meaning of research:

The research focuses on data analysis, plus the analysis of entrepreneurial ecosystem and regional impact. Data analysis, as a necessary skill in academic research, is of great significance to the writing of papers, the participation of scientific research and academic research in the future. In addition, the research of entrepreneurial ecosystem found that, in recent years, the research on entrepreneurial ecosystem in China has increased, and the research around entrepreneurial ecosystem has formed lots of hot spots. In order to promote the development of the entrepreneurial ecosystem and promote the development of domestic innovation and entrepreneurship, it is necessary to strengthen the combination of theoretical research and practice in the future.



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Research prospects:

Nowadays, with the rise of cloud computing, big data is widely used in the fields of grid operation, management and quality service, and is changing various industries and leading to the transformation of big data talents. China needs 1.8 million data talent over the next four or five years, according to data from 2018, but currently only about 300,000. Enterprises based on big data computing analysis storage, data mining, data analysis and other data industries are also booming, China needs more specialists in data analysis field.

The entrepreneurial ecosystem follows the trend of economic development in the 21st century. In the face of the country's strong promotion of mass entrepreneurship and innovation, more and more people choose to start a business, the number of entrepreneurs continues to rise, entrepreneurial environment continues to improve, the study of entrepreneurial ecosystem is becoming a hot topic.




Experience of Research:

This scientific research to Cambridge is my first research project, there is not much scientific research related experience, so I basically passively accept the state in the first two weeks, and adapt to the rhythm and difficulty of scientific research. Although there are still some questions about the task assigned by the professor, by talking to them, I gradually found the method of scientific research, how to collect and summarize the data, how to combine the existing data and find its relevance, so that I have a certain understanding of different aspects of analysis. Hopefully over the next two weeks, I'll be able to work on that and gain more experience and knowledge. Fighting!



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Week 3 Learning Summary

Research Progress:

Research has gone three-quarters and this is my third week at Cambridge. This week I had a further exchange with the two professors on the subject. The research progress is as follows:

1.Revise and discuss the previous article ‘The impact of coronavirus on China's economy’ and summarize the shortcomings in essay writing.


4.Learn the proper nouns and calculations in Comparison of continuous variables between two groups, and how to compare and analyze two sets of data through these quantities.

5.I am supposed to finish writing the fourth article which focus on ' The impact of Brexit on the UK economy and Chinese Economy’, and analyze from various aspects by collecting data information.

6.Arranged research work 4, using the computer to calculate the ……






Week 4 and Learning summary

My research experience at Cambridge has ended. It has been a colorful month, with discussions with professor G and M and works on my own. With professor Guo, I started being exposed to specific methods of data collection and data analysis. In addition to do the revision, the weekly assignment is to complete one research work and write an article. The first week we focused on quantitative data analysis, and I had a general understanding of the variables. During the second and third week, we progressively discussed about descriptive statistics on the calculation of basic data and how to calculate standard error with standard deviation. Besides, I learned to create related histograms and other plots through excel. The final week we concentrated on the comparison of continuous variables between two groups, especially calculating p-value to judge if there are significant differences. Research work which aims at analyzing a sample of blood pressure data is comprehensive, and exercises are practical in order to deepen the theory. In total, I’ve done four articles, which were closely keeping up with the current news. From the novel coronavirus to Brexit, the latest information is changing all the time.

During this month, I gained not only theoretical knowledge but the practical skills of data processing and plot production as well. Here is the first rule I learned: When we analyze data, whether we choose to focus on details or just draw a general tendency depends on the depth of explanation we are going to give. In addition, my weakness is that I quoted many critical articles when writing the article, and my views converged with others, but I did not analyze them based on specific data, so as to obtain my own new understanding.

About the research project with Professor M, I spent my first two weeks focusing on methods of data collection and combination. As the beginning step of mixing up information, I did an excel consisting of the dataset, data resource, the shortcoming of the data, and the specific regions of countries that it aimed at. Though this procedure, my ability of selecting useful data and making combinations has improved. In the following two weeks, I focused on the specific research about the interaction between entrepreneurial ecosystems and population growth. In addition to control variables, I also had to find possible relation between two changeable groups of information. Assuming that the one of them would cause the other, I needed to find as many supports as possible to strengthen my point of view. Finally, I’ve written a report as my complete thought about the whole project.

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Y participated the Research Program at Cambridge in January 2020, and conducted a field study at my lab. On the first day when J joined us, I introduced my lab and colleagues to her detailly, and had a conversation on her motivation of joining us. From Y’s responses, I was clear about Y’s academic background as well as potential areas to be improved. Therefore, in the first week, she was assigned to conduct general studies in data analysis, since this methodology will be of great use in our entire program. Y adapted to this research-intense atmosphere soon. During our meeting Y could take these opportunities to report her progresses and ask me some questions she met. She demonstrated surprising flexibility in applying newly learned approaches to a specific topic, also she was good at logical thinking.
