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1.RobertF.LuschandStephenL.Vargo.(ed.).(2015). TheService DominantLogicofMarketing:Dialog,Debate,andDirections.London:Routledge.

(阅读Part I 的三章,分别是:

(1) Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing, pp 3-28.作者:Stephen L. Vargo & Robert F. Lusch

(2)Historical perspectives onservice-dominant logic, pp29-42作者:Stephen L. Vargo, Robert F. Lusch, & Fred W. Morgan

(3)Service-dominant logic What It Is, What It Is Not, What It Might Be? pp. 43-56作者:Sephen L. Vargo & Robert F. Lusch

2. Vargo, S. L., & Lusch, R. F. . (2004). Evolving to a new dominant logic for marketing. Journal of Marketing, 68(1), pp.1-17.(此期刊文章被收编在上书当中的第一篇文章)








读书会推送: 公共读书会|市场营销研究的服务主导逻辑


讲义原文地址: 读书会讲义|第一期:市场营销研究的服务主导逻辑




1. 从商品主导的营销逻辑转向服务主导的逻辑,既是一种产业结构的转型,也涉及营销研究的典范转移,当然也关乎一种广泛的生活方式变迁,究竟这种转变是如何促成的? 思考这个问题,产业上来说,可以从劳动力全球化,全球贸易合作等角度的变迁来回应,从社会层面上来说,亦可思考 1980 年代以来的人们对生活消费品质的观念变化,如何对此有所促成。

2. 服务不仅加值产品,营销也绝非止于展示、教育消费者如何使用特定商品,因此服务创造价值,接受服务的消费者也同时能在使用过程中创造更多价值,不过这种多重、多层且多面向的价值创造与增生,是如何可能的? 倡导服务为主导逻辑的研究者如何说服我们,这是一场即将爆发,甚至是已经浮现的销售/产业革命? 请各位共读人和旁听人从文献中对作者的逻辑链进行梳理,并且提出批判性的发问,作者对我们的说服是否有逻辑不自洽之处?

3. 服务主导的逻辑成功地指出了,服务使得价值可以在无限的循环中滋长、衍生与创新,但从何证据与数据我们可以领会并且延伸这种研究上的发想? 在忠于文献的前提下,也请各位共读人、特邀行业嘉宾以及旁听人畅所欲言,可对比商品主导逻辑下的营销实战案例以及服务主导逻辑下的营销实战案例,提供除文献以外的证据以回应作者的服务主导逻辑的价值共造的过程是何以被实现的。

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1. 旧说,第一代营销学,营销=商品分配与交换,此说历经 1950 年代,1980 年代,迟至 1990 年代的质疑,依旧存在(不同时代的争议点)。

2. 1990 年代之后的营销学反省,各种切入点(Daly and Montgomery,Achol and Kotler,等等)。 重新导向,服务,价值,还是其他。

3. 本文的重点:从营销学的历史演进,重新探究以商品主导的典范,并以此重新讨论”服务”为何,最后指陈出服务主导的营销逻辑。

A Fundamental Shift in Worldview

思想典范总是会面临移转,例子如资源(Malthus 以降,这两百多年的说法演进,最终今日我们区分出 operant and operand resources)。


1. The purpose of economic activity is to make and distribute things that can be sold.

2. To be sold, these things must be embedded with utility and value during the production and distribution processes and must offer to the consumer superior value in relation to competitors' offerings.

3. The firm should set all decision variables at a level that enables it to maximize the profit from the sale of output.

4. For both Maximum production control and efficiency, the good should be standardized and produced away from the market.

5. The good can then be inventoried until it is demanded and then delivered to the consumer at a profit.


所有权的移转与分配……。 服务只是附加于具体商品之上的非物质”东西”。 营销学认同了经济学的论述,功利/功效(utility)只存在/镶嵌在特定的产品之中。


“What is needed is not an interpretation of the utility created by marketing, but a marketing interpretation of the whole process of creating utility.”



1. Identify or develop core competences, the fundamental knowledge and skills of an economic entity that represent potential competitive advantage.

2. Identify other entities(potential customers) that could benefit from these competences.

3. Cultivate relationships that involve the customers in developing customized, competitively compelling value propositions to meet specific needs.

4. Gauge marketplace feedback by analyzing financial performance from exchange to learn how to improve the firms' offering to customers and improve firm performance.





Fp1. The application of specialized skills and knowledge is the fundamental unit of exchange: service is exchanged for service.

Fp2: Indirect exchange masks the fundamental unit of exchange: icrospecialization, organizations, goods, and money obscure the service-for-service nature of exchange.

Fp3: Goods are distribution mechanisms for service provision: “Activities render service; things render service” (Gummesson 1995, p.251) -- goods are appliances.

Fp4: Knowledge is the fundamental source of competitive advantage: Operant resources, especially know-how, are the essential component of differentiation.

Fp5: All economies are services economies: Service is only now becoming more apparent with increased specialization and outsourcing; it has always been what is exchanged.

Fp6: The customer is always a co-producer: there is no value until an offering is used -- experience and perception are essential to value determination.

Fp7: The enterprise can only make value propositions: since value is always determined by the customer(value-in-use), it cannot be embedded through manufacturing(value in exchange)

Fp8: A service-centered view is customer oriented and relational: operant resources being used for the benefit of the customer places the customer inherently in the center of value creation and implies relationship.


Fp1: The application of specialized skills and knowledge is the fundamental unit of exchange.

1.1 人们拥有具有操作效果的资源/operant resources(物理/身体技能与心理技能),不同时期,专门化的程度有异,而越是专门化的技术,越是有利于社会或个人存活。

1.2 在社会处于未分工的时代,人们常彼此相互交换,以获取自身所欠缺的东西(Mauss,礼物交换的逻辑),时至分工情况出现,交换日形明确。

1.3 关于分工与交换的关系,是个历史悠久的学术问题,从Adam Smith以降存在著众多说法(Adam Smith, Bastiat, Mill….等)。

1.4 交换基于具有功效的资源一说,既影响著营销学,但也造成营销学者的不满与挑战。


Fp2: Indirect exchange masks the fundamental unit of exchange

2.1 关于非直接交换/间接交换,以及其如何掩盖基本的交换单位(指,以技术交换另一技术)。

2.2 作者再陈述,工业革命之后,由于分工日趋专门,致使许多工作不需直接面对客户,这也造成一种假像。这种假象,相当普遍,不只限于制造业。

2.3 这种假象的问题,掩盖了…。(敬请期待下一篇现场讲座内容稿整理。)

Fp3: Goods are distribution mechanisms for service provision

3.1 将产品定义为”碰触得到的东西”,这是经济学的基本概念,同时也反映出工业革命之后的基本论证。不过,此定义并不符合技术、知识的传递与流通(今日营销学的立场)。

3.2 所谓的知识与技术,以及其与服务的关系。Norris是一个针对“服务/服务提供”提出洞见的学者,之后学者对此的深化。

3.3 服务整合可以满足更高的需求。

Fp4: Knowledge is the fundamental source of competitive advantage

4.1 具有操作效果的资源与公司的关系。

4.2 公司/组织的成长,知识与技术不是外衍的因素,而是公司或组织优势的根源。相关看法(Hunt...)。

4.3 知识与技术等因素/优势,涉及整个供应面。诸多说法。

4.4 服务主导的逻辑与上述的关系。

Fp5: All economies are services economies

5.1 经济学虽看到技术的重要,但却仍过于著重制造活动。 这样的偏见既反映在对于今日产业分工的误解,也反映在对于经济历史演进的不当想像。

5.2 修正上述以商品为中心的观点;明确指出服务的关键之处;以及重新定义服务。

Fp6: The customer is always a co-producer

6.1 商品主导的逻辑,只重视生产者/生产面,轻忽消费者。

6.2 服务主导的逻辑,重新浮现消费者,并赋予他们共同创造价值的地位。

Fp7: The enterprise can only make value propositions

7.1 商品主导逻辑眼中的企业与营销,其缺陷:

the “conventional view of marketing adding properties to marketing... underlies the dissatisfaction with marketing theory that led to the services marketing literature” -- Dixon

7.2 如何修正? 服务主导的逻辑,重新定位所谓的”价值”(不再限于功效一说)。

7.3 作者的立场:

the enterprise can only offer value propositions; the consumer must determine value and participate in creating it through the process of co-production.

Fp8: A service-centered view is customer oriented and relational

8.1 服务主导的逻辑指出,生产者与消费者之间的诸多关系(互动、整合、客制化、共同生产价值….), 类似的说法有许多学者赞同。

8.2 这种看法与现象绝非新颖,只是长此以往被忽视了。

8.3 关于旧思维与新说法的差异。

8.4 消费者的重要性与能动性,应予以正视。


1. 旧说与其失败/缺陷之处。

2. 服务主导的逻辑对于旧说,是一种重新评估,评估的项目包含: 客户/客制化,具有操作效果的资源,组织与公司的优势,购买不是消费终结/消费是一个过程,今日的消费者如何在生产、营销过程的扮演重要位置,新媒体对于营销的巨大效果。

3. 服务主导的逻辑所指出的是”重新导向”,其说法尚未成为一个典范。

4. 推广服务主导的逻辑,需要理论课程,也需要实际运用的课程。

5. 实际获利仍是服务主导的逻辑所关注的主题,只是获得的利益常常超乎实际的”金钱”,诸如,品牌资产...。


1. 漫长历史中的营销学,其旧典范与缺陷。

2. 时代改变了,我们需要走出旧典范,走进服务主导的营销逻辑。

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Goods, Productivity, & Value-In-Exchange

1. 商品与其交换,迄今仍是典范,至少是旧典范,其影响经济学,也影响营销学。

2. 关于旧典范的出现,其历史悠久,从Adam Smith说起,其中关联到Say、Mill、Bastiat。 交换、功效…等概念成为基本框架。

Economic Science

1. 承继上述的思想,现代经济学进一步深化相关理路,从Walras ,到Marshall。

2. 经济学的基本逻辑,制造/生产为中心,轻忽服务,同时也只重视供需之间的功效问题。此等立场符合商品主导的逻辑。

The Impact of Economics

on Marketing Thought

1. 上述经济学的思想框架如何影响且贬低营销学?

2. 关于第一代营销学与其遭受到经济学的影响。

3. 营销是否只是added value?

4. 商品主导的营销,其兴起与优势

5. 1930 年代的反思。营销是一种浪费之举?

Mid-Century Perturbations

1. 两次大战之间,以及二次战后的营销学,在商品主导的营销逻辑底下,消费者行为研究的兴起。

2. 关于TQM(total quality management)模型,变与不变。

3. Alderson这个研究世代的反省。

Service Marketing as a Subdiscipline

1. 服务的营销学,成为一个次学科,漫长的酝酿,缓慢的形成。

2. 商品主导的营销逻辑依旧存在,不过反省与分离的呼声确实浮现。

3. 美国与北欧的研究者,针对服务进行深究,最终服务成为特定的营销项目。

Signs of Divergence from G-D Logic

1. 各种分流的迹象,客制化,北欧研究模型,竞争力研究。

2. 作者立场,分流之后,新汇流/合流的契机。

Toward Convergence on a New Dominant Logic

服务主导的基本逻辑,以及从services 到service:

1. What parties exchange is less well characterized as “goods” than as applied specialized resources;

2. Most critical resources are often not tangible but rather intangible resources like human knowledge and skills (competences);

3. Value creation cannot occur in factories or through distribution but rather only through the interactions of the parties sharing these resources—that is, through service provision;

4. Marketing is less about units of output than the process of sharing of the application of resources among parties;

5. Customers are not static resources to be targeted or marketed to but active and creative resources to be collaborated and marketed with;

6. Competitive advantage is a function of resources that are better able to provide service for some portion of the market;

7. Value is co-created and ultimately can only be determined by the customer;

8. Markets represent opportunities for value creation and value sustainability rather than value delivery; and

9. When goods are involved, they are tools for the delivery and application of resources — that is, service provision.

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What It Is

1. 当商品主导的逻辑遇上服务主导了的逻辑……。 服务主导的逻辑如何进行批判。

2. 服务主导的逻辑,八个基本前提。

3. 消费者是重要的,内涵于营销过程,也与生产者与营销者, 共同创造价值。

What It Is Not

1. S-D Logic is a reflection of the transition from an industrial era to a services era.

2. Service(s) is (are) more important than goods.

3. S-D Logic is a restatement of the consumer orientation.

4. S-D Logic is justified by the superior customer responsiveness of “service” companies.

5. S-D Logic is an alternative to the exchange paradigm.

6. Service is another word for utility or value-added.

7. S-D Logic argues against value-in-exchange.

8. Service provision relates only to "functional benefits”.

9. Financial feedback equals profits.

10. S-D Logic is primarily managerially oriented.

What It Might Be

1. The Foundation of a paradigm shift in marketing.

2. Theory of the firm.

3. A reorientation for economic theory.

4. A reorientation for a theory of society.

