胜肽Acetyl Decapeptide-3乙酰基十肽-3减少皱纹

1.Basic information:

INCI name: Acetyl Decapeptide-3

Reference: Rejuline

MW: 1491

Purity: 95%

Grade: cosmetic

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Source: synthetic

COA and MSDS: available for your reference

Appearance: white to pale yellow powder

Solubility: slightly soluble/soluble in water

Stability: stable

Risk: irritation, low irritation to skin, eye

Ph value: 6.0-7.5

Additive: 100 PPM with 500 PPM concentration

Appearance: white powder

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1- Acetyl Decapeptide-3 Reduces and prevent lines and wrinkles by actively generating new skin cells.积极生成新的皮肤细胞来减少和预防线条和皱纹

2- Involve in normal skin growth, healing and wound repair.参与正常的皮肤生长,愈合和伤口修复

3- Acetyl Decapeptide-3 Strengthens skin elasticity by inducing the synthesis of collagen and elastin.通过诱导胶原蛋白和弹性蛋白的合成来增强皮肤弹性

4- More stable and prolong action than native proteins.比天然蛋白质更稳定和延长作用

V: youngshe2015

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