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伊丽莎白级航空母舰是大英帝国强弩之末的新一代中型航母,排水量6万5千吨,共建造两艘,一艘是伊丽莎白女王号,一艘是威尔士亲王号。伊丽莎白女王号航空母舰2009年7月7日开工,2014年7月下水,2017年10月30日进行了第二次海试,2017年12月7日服役 。 预计2018年开始飞行试验,2020年形成初始作战能力。此艘航母在建造工程中多次因为经费问题延期,下水测试又因多次漏水而返港维修,根本就是一艘只有象征意义,不具备实战能力的航空母舰,今日的大英帝国早已日落西山,没有了往日的威风。捉襟见肘的财政,历经了6年之久,才勉强制造了两艘航母,没有采用弹射起飞,而是折中选择了短距滑跃起飞并垂直降落。技术已经相当落后。在中国日益强大的今天,尽然还敢派来亚洲逞威风,太不把14亿1178万中国人民放在眼里了。航母大家都知道,作为移动的海上机场,其作战主要靠舰载战斗机,英国根本没有能力建造舰载机,无奈之下购买美国的F35B舰载机。因为美国F35产能不足,时至今日,这艘航母的舰载机数量不过区区8架。为了这次能来亚洲充面子,舔着脸向美国借用了14架F35B,勉强凑了22架战机,就匆忙出海。我请问,你这艘战斗力不全的破航母,就算勉强靠着抽水泵开到南海来,面对如今世界第二的中国海军,自己不觉得丢人嘛。中国航母在美国的海军面前,尚且能安稳着舰,让美国人都大吃一惊,举大拇哥赞叹。。。你。你。你是来让我们看笑话的嘛。

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According to foreign media reports, Britain will send the Queen Elizabeth to Asia to conduct joint military exercises with many countries. Queen Elizabeth also recently visited the ship to practice for the Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier. The purpose of this move is to deter an increasingly powerful China. As we all know, Britain has been openly interfering in China's internal affairs on the Hong Kong issue, providing the so-called BNO passport for Hong Kong residents and interfering in the return of the Hong Kong people to the great motherland. Now, it is a naked provocation to send an aircraft carrier to Asia for military exercises. 1.41178 billion Chinese people are regarded as nothing. The strongest condemnation must be given.

Elizabeth class aircraft carrier is a new generation of medium-sized aircraft carrier at the end of the British Empire, with a displacement of 65000 tons. Two aircraft carriers have been built, one is Queen Elizabeth and the other is Prince of Wales. The aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth started operation on July 7, 2009, launched in July 2014, conducted the second sea trial on October 30, 2017, and served on December 7, 2017. It is expected to start flight test in 2018 and form initial combat capability in 2020. The construction of this aircraft carrier has been delayed for many times due to financial problems, and the launch test has returned to Hong Kong for repair due to water leakage for many times. It is basically an aircraft carrier with only symbolic meaning and no actual combat capability. Today's British Empire is already at the end of the day and has lost its former prestige. After six years of struggling finance, we managed to build two aircraft carriers. Instead of adopting catapult take-off, we chose short-range ski jump take-off and vertical landing. The technology is quite backward. Today, as China is becoming more and more powerful, we dare to send them to Asia to show our prestige. We are too indifferent to the 1.417.78 billion Chinese people. As we all know, as a mobile maritime airport, its operations mainly rely on carrier based fighters. Britain has no ability to build carrier based aircraft, so it has no choice but to buy f35b carrier based aircraft from the United States. Because of the lack of F35 production capacity in the United States, the number of carrier based aircraft on this aircraft carrier is only eight. In order to make a face in Asia this time, he borrowed 14 f35bs from the United States, scraped together 22 fighters and rushed out to sea. I would like to ask you, this broken aircraft carrier with incomplete combat power, even if you barely rely on the pump to drive to the South China Sea, in the face of the world's second largest Chinese Navy, don't you feel ashamed. Chinese aircraft carrier in front of the U.S. Navy, but also can safely land, so that the Americans are surprised, thumbs up praise. You're here to make us laugh.

China's resumption of sovereignty over Hong Kong is an inevitable choice for the Chinese people and a firm step for China's rejuvenation. No one is allowed to dictate. Britain's domestic and foreign troubles today. The internal Ireland has been holding an independence referendum, and the external Ireland has been at war with France on the issue of fishing after leaving the EU. I can't deal with my family's affairs, and I have leisure to demonstrate in Asia. Prime Minister Boris Johnson doesn't know what he's thinking. Every day he's not doing his job, except for a hot head, he's on holiday. And Queen Elizabeth, who has just lost her husband, is 95 years old. She does not want her people to shout long live for her and increase her life. She also has leisure to administer a former colony.

Today's China is friends all over the world. Today, the sun is setting in Britain, and it has a bad relationship with its neighboring countries. Today, with the rapid development of military, science and technology, and economy, China has become a superpower next only to the United States in the world. It is not long before China can catch up with the United States. Today's Britain is no longer as beautiful as it used to be. It has not been able to fight the epidemic. The domestic people are full of complaints, and its economic and technological strength is further declining. If you send an aircraft carrier, we won't sink it for you. This leaky aircraft carrier is not worth a Dongfeng missile. If you don't fight, you will be defeated. You will go away in ashes.