
Yesterday, I read a consumer dispute story about mischarging 1488 yuan from Ajisen Ramen. As I had personal experience like that, I wanna talk about my feelings of safeguarding rights .


On June 5, a customer in Changchun ordered two bowls of noodles and a fish in Ajisen Ramen, which cost 148 yuan. When checking out, the cashier mistakenly pressed an extra 8(on casier terminal), and actually charged 1488 yuan.

The waiter said that he had to contact the headquarters to get a refund.The customer tried to get Ajisen for complaint service on phone, but failed. Then the matter was posted on the Internet.

The customer got the refund 3 days later,only after the matter went viral.

My comment: This is a typical Chinese consumer protection. Disputes with such a clear responsibility have to be solved through the Internet.

Now let me talk about my personal experience.

Last month, I had a mini consumption dispute in wechat payment, and I was overcharged by 1 yuan. It took me 25 days to get the refund.

It was last month, I rented a toy car for my daughter in a mall, played for 27 minutes, and that charged me 33 yuan.

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My daughter had fun with the toy, but I think it's a little bit expensive .And when I was home ,I didnt feel good about the charge after checking . The charging rules are as follows: 15 yuan for the first 10 minutes, and 1 yuan for every 1 minute after the first 10 minutes.

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By checking the order time again and again, I confirming that I did use it for 27 minutes, the payment should be 15 yuan plus 17 yuan equals 32 yuan. The merchant deducted 1 yuan more from me.

On the same day, I launched a complaint on Wechat Pay platform. Unexpectedly, it took 25 days for the merchant to reply like: the charge is charged according to the end of click charging time.

I didnt get what that means.The time on the list is very clearly recorded,16:06-16:33,it's 27 minutes , according to the charging rules the charge can not be 33 yuan.

(The only explanation is that if the excess time is less than one minute, it will be counted as one more minute, so my toy charging time will be counted as 28 minutes, which is just like the telephone fee algorithm of some bad tele company.


But the recording time of this order is not accurate to seconds, so I can only calculate the time as 1633-1606 = 27 minutes.)


I continued to complain, leaving a message that it was unreasonable for the merchant to overcharge, and I didn't accept the explanation. After two hours, I received a refund of 1 yuan from the merchant.

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Through the process of this Wechat Pay consumer rights protection, I got my experience.


first, the merchant's processing time was too long , even more than three weeks;


The second is that Wechat does not intervene in such wrong or defective charging rules, or lets say the complaint way is not good enough, and there is no subdivision option for complaint types, and there was no human service came out to deal with my complaint. I could only leave a complaint message on the order, or dial a number to the merchant.


So I hope Wechat Pay can improve the complaint service and provide more humanized services, so that we can use it more safely.

This is Cindi Promoting Basic and Practical English


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