Jordan In China:Only thing dangerous here is the amount of food you will eat

Jordan In China:这里唯一危险的是:你的食物摄入量(你会吃多少食物)

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Enus Zt:The world in china looks real brighter without BBC filter

Enus Zt:没有BBC滤镜,中国看起来真的更亮了

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T. H: I've been in China for almost 7 years· Never been robbed, never been harrassed, never even had anyone trying to be violent with me· I've seen a few rude people like littering on the subway or smoking in the elevator but really few cases and which country doesn't have a few people like this. Looking at the world handling covid I felt super safe in China ^_^

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T. H: 我来中国快7年了。 从未被抢劫,从未被骚扰,甚至从未有人试图对我使用暴力。 我见过一些粗鲁的人,喜欢在地铁上乱扔垃圾或在电梯里吸烟,但真的很少,哪个国家没有几个这样的人。 看着世界各地处理新冠疫情,我觉得在中国超级安全^_

Hazza China Vlogs: In China, based on my experience, it is as simple as if you don't bother others, they won't bother you.

Hazza China Vlogs: 根据我的经验,在中国很简单,你不打扰别人,别人也不会打扰你。

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Wouter Olthof : I'm a Dutch living in Guangzhou, China, very close to Shenzhen where Oli lives. And from all the places that I have lived and traveled to, China is the place where we feel the safest by far. My wife, our three daughters, and I. The city and village in the Netherlands where we come from are already quite safe. But China wins hands down.

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Wouter Olthof : 我是荷兰人,住在中国广州,离Oli住的深圳很近。 在我住过和去过的所有地方中,中国是迄今为止我们感到最安全的地方。 我的妻子、我们的三个女儿和我。我们所来自的荷兰的城市和村庄已经很安全了。 但中国在这方面赢了。

Rodolfo Raul:China is incredible! Love from Brazil ✊.

Rodolfo Raul:中国太不可思议了! 来自巴西的爱✊。

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Jeremy Wong:i have been backpacking yearly to china other than 2020 since 2008, and never once have i been attacked or robbed. in 2019, i was walking at 3am for an hour on the quiet streets of xinjiang in search for supper, nothing happened. if the uyghurs really hated the chinese, yes i am an overseas chinese, i will probably get assaulted over countless times and some of those streets have no cameras.if you look like a foreigner, locals will be more concern on how they can help you, as you maybe lost.

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Jeremy Wong:自 2008 年以来,除了 2020 年之外,我每年都去中国背包旅行,从来没有被袭击或抢劫过。




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sunshine sun:Agreed. Many times when backpacking and cycling in CHINA. Not once was I ever robbed or Pick pocketted ........ First time in ROME ( 2010) ..... caught a PICKPOCKETOR with his hands in my POCKET ! Shout ..."Police". He just ran away. And others around me just WALK AWAY like it is so common. ... CHINA is a safe place . I have got LOST ( Just my Habit of Exploration) in cities, towns and villages. No WORRIES at all. Ask and you will be FOUND. !!!

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sunshine sun:同意。 很多时候,我在中国背包和骑自行车, 从来没有被抢劫或扒过口袋 ........ 第一次在罗马(2010 年)..... 用手在我的口袋里抓到了一个扒手! 我喊……“警察”。 他就跑了。 我周围的其他人只是走开,这种情况他们很常见一样。 ... 中国是一个安全的地方。 我在城市、城镇和村庄迷失了(只是我自己的探索习惯), 完全没有后顾之忧。问一问路人,你就会找到正确的路 !!!

Frank Sun:If possible , please go to xinjiang, many of my Friends are living in xinjiang, they feel super ridiculous about western medias spread news that china government slaughter all xinjiang people or put them in prison. Western medias are full of lies about xinjiang and xinjiang people.

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Frank Sun:如果可能,请去新疆,我的很多朋友都住在新疆,他们对西方媒体传播中国政府屠杀所有新疆人或将他们关进监狱的消息感到非常可笑。 西方媒体充斥着关于新疆和新疆人的谎言。

jthk:Even in Xinjiang, when tourists want to see the sunset and sunrise, safety issue simply not exist in our mind. This is not like Europe, say in Spain, some very big and tall people actually come up and search your bag and take valuable things and tourists are warned not to leave the hotel at night time or early in the morning

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jthk:即使在新疆,当游客想看日落和日出时,我们的脑海中根本不存在安全问题。 这不像欧洲,比如说在西班牙,一些非常高大的人居然会过来搜你的包,拿走贵重的东西,游客会被警告不要在晚上或清晨离开酒店

rabbit bobo:Great content! the only fear i have at night is the hole it will burn on my wechat when I walk pass a BBQ stall.

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rabbit bobo很棒的内容! 晚上我唯一担心的是:当我走过烧烤摊时,它会在我的微信上烧个洞(意思大概就是,路过烧烤摊时,自己会忍不住花钱买烧烤吃)。

Kaya in China:China is a very safe country to go outside middle of the night. Even for ladies. You can't do that in western countries· At least some western countries· Even drunk people here don't bother anyone. I don't think because of the camera or big cities. I went to small cities. I feel the same all the time.

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Kaya in China:中国是一个非常安全的国家,半夜外出。 即使是女士。 你不能在西方国家这样做(半夜外出), 至少在一些西方国家是这样。 即使在这里(中国)喝醉的人也不会打扰任何人。我不认为这是由于有摄像头或者 这是大城市才会这样安全。我去过一些小城市, 也一直都有同样的感觉。

Ke An:As someone who lives in Singapore and Malaysia i have to say. After living in china for more then 2 years U can go for a walk at anytime in shanghai and the only danger is getting fat from food or the cold in winter. The camera now makes china even more unbelievably safe and hassle free any problem at all call the cops and they will sort it out with just a call to the camera department. They have help to settle car crash, lost passport or ID cards in public places and so on.

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Ke An:作为住在新加坡和马来西亚的人,我不得不说。在中国生活两年多后,你在上海什么时候都可以去散散步,唯一的危险是因为食物而发胖或冬天很冷。现在,摄像头使中国变得更加安全,有问题可以致电警察,他们只需致电摄像头监控部门即可解决问题。 他们帮助解决车祸,在公共场所丢失护照或身份证等。

DP media:In 2017, I went back China to visit my family, in Chengdu. I couldn’t sleep at night due to jet lag, so I left house around 3:00 am, and went back after two hours walking on empty street when I felt tired. I am a girl.

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DP media:2017年,我回中国探望在成都的家人。 由于时差,我晚上睡不着,所以我在凌晨3:00左右离开了家,感到疲倦时在空荡荡的街道上走了两个小时后返回。 我是一个女孩。

Pol Matthiasson: I’ve lived in China for 8 years, and while it’s true that being attacked is much less of a chance in China than n the West, your chance of being seriously hurt or worse is far more common in China than in the West. The driving here is beyond horrible. I don’t feel safe either n the roads.. it’s nuts. Construction work is insane here and it’s not uncommon for a major building system to fail. As to a lack of pickpockets- it’s because China is almost cashless now that this has all but disappeared . Everything is paid via WeChat or Alipay. There is nothing to pocket- but phones are a hot commodity.

Pol Matthiasson:我在中国生活了 8 年,虽然在中国被攻击的可能性确实比西方小得多,但在中国你受到严重伤害或更糟的情况远比西方普遍。 在这里开车简直太可怕了。 我在路上也不觉得安全……这太疯狂了! 这里的建筑工作很疯狂,一个重要的建筑工作失败的情况并不罕见。 至于没有扒手——这是因为中国现在几乎没有现金,这几乎消失了。 一切都通过微信或支付宝支付。 没有什么可以放在口袋里的——但手机是一种热门商品。 (PS:很多老铁看到这可能会开喷了,但不可否认这就是他们部分人眼里的中国,我们还需要不断地改进和完善,让交通事故更少一些,让建筑个人的工作更有安全保障一些,让我们的建筑更能抗震抗洪一些)

Karey Huang:I had the same experience when I was young in Singapore, like that country back then as well. Walking with a couple friends by ourselves on the street after midnight and felt safe. China has progressed a lot more and it is no doubt the most advanced country in the world today.

Karey Huang:我年轻时,在新加坡也有过同样的经历,当时的新加坡也是如此。 午夜后,独自和几个朋友在街上散步,感觉很安全。 中国进步了很多,毫无疑问是当今世界上最先进的国家。

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Robert A:I have now lived in a large rural town, the centre of a county in Guangxi, for over four years, and it is as safe here as in a tier one city. Of course there are minor crimes of theft, but personal safety is not an issue. There are no bashings or threats. My wife however did have her e-bike stolen in Shenzhen, which was unfortunate, but then i lost my bag containing my passport, wallet and other documents, and while feeling bad about it, only an hour later i got a phone call from the police advising me that someone had found my bag and brought it to the police station.

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Robert A:我现在在一个大的乡镇(乡镇位于广西的一个县中心)上的一个大农村,住了四年多了,这里和一线城市一样安全。 当然也有轻微的盗窃,但人身安全不是问题。 没有殴打或威胁。 然而,我妻子的电动自行车确实在深圳被偷了,这很不幸。后来,我又把装有护照、钱包和其他文件的包弄丢了,虽然心里很不舒服,但仅仅一个小时后,我就接到了通知,警察告诉我,有人找到了我的包,并将包带到了警察局。

Hiram Shen:About 15 years ago, I visited China for a sight-seeing tour with a tour group. We went to a store inside a park in Guang Xi province. I left my camera bag on a chair. When I left, I forgot to take it. The bag contained several camera equipment that cost me a couple of thousand dollars (US currency) along with several thousand dollars cash in RMB. If I totally forgot and got on the bus heading for the next destination, my whole trip would be ruined. Guess what happened? A young lady working at the store ran after me all the way to the entrance of the park and found me, in her high heels no less. I really appreciated what she did and tried to compensate her for her effort, but she refused.

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Hiram Shen:大约15年前,我和一个旅游团去中国旅游。 我们去了广西省一个公园内的一家商店。 我把相机包放在椅子上。 走的时候忘记带了。 包里有几台相机设备,(相机设备)花了我几千美元和包里还有价值几千美元的人民币现金。 如果我完全忘记它,并登上前往下一个目的地的巴士,我的整个旅程就会被毁掉。 猜猜发生了什么? 一位在商店工作的年轻女士,一直追着我跑到公园门口,并找到我,她还穿着高跟鞋。 我真的很感激她的所作所为,并想试图补偿她,但她拒绝了。

Ron Montgomery:I stayed in Nanning for 13 years and never, ever had a problem with security. It made you feel so safe in China. And for a number of years before Nanning I visited many cities in China and never had a problem with my security. I did have a bicycle stolen in Nanning years ago but that was a one of.

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Ron Montgomery:我在南宁待了 13 年,从来没有遇到过安全问题。 这让你在中国感到如此安全。 在南宁之前的几年里,我访问了中国的许多城市,从未遇到过安全问题。 几年前我在南宁确实有一辆自行车被盗,但那是其中之一。

Hilary Sexton:I am an expatriate Australian and have lived in Nanjing in China for 8 years. It is a very safe and harmonious place - safer than Aus and Uk and much safer than USA. It is not because of an overbearing and tyrannical government - it is a cultural thing. Partly the Confuscian philosophy and partly Buddhism with a sensible dose of government regulation as a backup.

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Hilary Sexton:我是一名外籍澳大利亚人,在中国南京生活了 8 年。 这是一个非常安全和和谐的地方——比澳大利亚和英国安全,比美国安全得多。 这不是因为一个专 横 暴 虐的政府——这是一种文化。 部分是儒家哲学,部分是佛教,并以合理的政府监管为后盾支撑。

Garfield Solomons:Hi ... Im from South Africa and living for a few years now here in China, in a 4th tier city and when i came here for the first time i was shocked to see primary school kids walking home from school at 9 in the evening all by themselves, i could not believe it and when i asked around the Chinese say its very safe and its just normal.A very big eye opener for me compared to how I grew up in my country.

Garfield Solomons:嗨……我来自南非,现在在中国的一个四线城市生活了几年,当我第一次来到这里时,我震惊地看到小学生晚上 9 点独自从学校走回家,我简直不敢相信,当我问周围的中国人时,他们说很安全,很正常。这与我在我们国家的成长方式相比,让我大开眼界。

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