
If you think life is wonderful and expect it







32.C) conceded





According to psychologist Sharon Draper,our clothing choices...







32.G) frame





The trend toward rationality and enlightenment was endan- gered long before the advent of the World Wide Web.

46.A) It initiated a change from dominance of reason to supremacy of pleasure.

47.D) It is conducive to critical thinking.

48.D) It has rendered their interactions more superficial.

49.C) It was viewed as a means to quest for knowledge.

50.B) They are constantly seeking approval from their audience.

According to a recent study, a small but growing proportion of the workforce is affected to some degree by a sense of entitlement.

51.B) They feel they deserve more than they get.

52.B) They were spoiled when growing up.

53.D) Seek ways to sustain their motivation.

54.C) They convey their requirements in a straightforward way.

55.A/Those who can be counted on to fulfill commitments.



Yan' an, located in north Shanxi Province and in themiddlereaches of the Yellow River, is a holy land of Chinese revolu-tion where the old generation of revolutionaries includingMao Zhedong used to live and fight for 13 years, leading theWar of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the Lib-eration War,cultivating the Yan' an spirit and making tre-mendous contribution to the Chinese revolution. With thebest revolutionary sites in terms of number,extensivenessand level across the country, Yan' an is well recognized asa national education base for patriotism, revolutionary tra-ditions and the Yan' an spirit. Yan' an boasts 9 revolution-ary memorial halls which hold a huge number of significant objects left by PC Central Committee and the old genera- tion of revolutionaries, enjoying a high reputation as museum city of Chinese revolution."

井冈山地处湖南江西两省交界处,因其辉煌的革命历史被誉为“中国革命红色摇篮”1927年10月,毛泽东、朱德等老一辈革命家率领中国工农红军来到这里,开展了艰苦卓绝的斗争,创建了第一个农村革命根据地,点燃了中国革命的星星之火开辟了“农村包国 (besiege)城市,武装夺取政权”这一具有中国特色的革命道路,中国革命从这里迈向胜利。井冈山现有100多处革命旧址,成为一个“没有围墙的革命历史博物馆”,是爱国主义和革命传统教育的重要基地。

Jinggangshan, located at the boundary between HunanProvince and Jianqxi Province, is well recognized as"the red cradle of Chinese revolution" . In October, 1927, the old generation of revolutionaries including Mao Zedong and Zhu De led the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Army here, where they fought bitterly to found the first rural revolution base, ignite the sparks of Chinese revolution, and blaze a revolutionary trail with Chinese characteristics to "besiege the cities from the countryside and seize the state power with military force." It is right from here that the Chinese revolution has marched to success. With over 100 revolu- tionary sites, Jinggangshan has become a wallless museum of the Chinese revolutionary history and an important base for patriotism and education of revolutionary traditions.


The site of the 1st National Congress of the Communist Party of China, located at #76, Xingye Road, Shanghai, is a residence of typical Shanahai style which was built in the autumn of 1920. On July 23, 1921, the 1st National Congress of the CPC was held here, where the first creed and the first convention were passed, the central leading body was elect-ed, and the birth of the PC was announced. In September, 1952, the site was renovated and turned into a memorial hall open to the public. where both the representatives attend- ing the 1st National Congress of the PC and the history of the CPC are introduced. It has become a patriotism education base where people know the historv of the CPC and commemorate the revolutionary marturs.
