打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片



打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片


  • https://obsidian.md/community
  • https://github.com/kmaasrud/awesome-obsidian
  • https://gitee.com/whghcyx/obsidian-plugin/tree/master/plugin


  • 官方帮助 / 官方论坛 / GitHub / 知乎 / B站 / Q群


  • 软件设置项下载、直接在GitHub下载、或在国内镜像下载

插件安装下载->主题的自定义-> CSS Snippet


Blue Topaz 主题 / CSS Snippets

Sliding Panes (Andy's Mode)

  • Version 3.2.3
  • SlidingPanes! Based on the style of [AndyMatuschak'sNotes](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/

Recent Files

  • Version 1.3.1
  • List files by most recently opened

Remember cursor position

  • Version 1.0.6
  • Remember cursor and scroll position for each note

Templater / 与系统模板插件

  • Version 1.8.1
  • Create and use templates

Auto Link Title

  • Version 1.2.3
  • This plugin automatically fetches the titles of links from the web

Paste URL into selection

  • Version 1.6.0
  • Paste URL "into" selected text.



  • Version 1.1.2
  • cMenu is a plugin that adds a minimal text editor modal for a smoother writing/editing experience

Admonition / 内容块的引用

  • Version 6.3.0
  • Admonition block-styled content for Obsidian.md

Copy Block Link

  • Version 1.0.3
  • Get links to bocksand headings from Obsidians right click menu

Drag and Drop Blocks

  • Version 0.4
  • Drag and Drop blocks to move, copy and create block references.

Note Refactor / 演示核心插件Compose

  • Version 1.7.1
  • Extract note content into new notes and split notes

Extract Highlights / 写作与研究场景

  • Version 0.0.18
  • Create, extract and leverage your markdown highlights

Text expand / 与Query查询

  • Version 0.9.2
  • Search and paste/transclude links to located files.

Dataview / 掌控进度、内容检索

  • Version 0.4.10
  • Complex data views for the data-obsessed.


Calendar / 演示Daily Note核心插件

  • Version 1.5.10
  • Calendar view of your daily notes

Habit Tracker

  • Version 1.0. 4
  • This plguin creates a simple Month view for visualizing your punch records.

Day Planner / 演示时间线 甘特图 流程图

  • Version 0.5.8
  • A plugin to help you plan your day and setup pomodoro timers


  • Version 1.0.18
  • Create markdown-backed Kanban boards in Obsidian.


  • Version 1.6.1
  • Keep a workbench of knowledge materials


  • Version 1.2.3
  • Combines checklists across pages into users sidebar

Periodic Notes

  • Version 0.0.17
  • Create/manage your daily, weekly, and monthly notes



  • Version 0.3.0
  • Add icons to your Obsidian notes

Emoji Toolbar

  • Version 0.2.2
  • Quickly search for and insert emojis into your notes.

Wikilinks to MDLinks / 演示系统的转换

  • Version 0.0.12
  • A plugin that converts wikilinks to markdown links and vice versa

Natural Language Dates

  • Version 0.5.2
  • Create date-links based on natural language

Text Snippets

  • Version 0.0 X
  • Allows you to replace text templates for faster typing, create your own

Copy Image and URL in Preview

  • Version 1.1.0
  • Copy Image and Copy URL context menu in preview mode

Outliner 大纲列表样式

  • Version 1.3.1
  • Work with your lists like in Workflowy or RoamResearch.

Zoom / 演示层级导航效果

  • Version 0.1.2
  • Zoom into heading and lists.

Zoottelkeeper Plugin / 生成MOC索引

  • Version 0.10.3
  • This plugin automatically creates, maintains and tags MOCs for all your folders.

Folder Note / 文件夹内容生成MOC

  • Version 0.7.3
  • Click a folder node to show a note describing the folder-


Journey / 演示探索发现的功能

  • Version 0.0.7
  • Discover the stories between your notes.


  • Version 1.1.1
  • Adds a completely interactive, stylable and expandable graph view to Obsidian.

Incremental Writing / 演示稍后读场景

  • Version 0.3.7
  • Incrementally review notes and blocks over time.


PDF Highlights

  • Version 0.0.4
  • Extract highlights, underlines and annotations from PDFs into Obsidian anoh

PDF to Markdown

  • Version 0.0.7
  • Save a PDF's text (headings, paragraphs, lists, etc.) to a Markdown file.


  • Version 0.1.3
  • This is a sample plugin for Obsidian. It allows you to open and annotate PDF and EPUB files.

Mind Map / 演示Xmind导出至Obsidian

  • Version 1.1 0
  • A plugin to preview notes as Markmap mind sdew

Enhancing Mindmap

  • Version 0.1.5
  • Obsidian. You can edit mindmap on markdown This is a enhancing mindmap plugin for

Obsidian Markmind

  • Version 1.0.5
  • This is a mindmap, outline and pdf annotate tool for obsidian.

Search on Internet

  • Version 0.5.0
  • Add context menu items to search the internet within Obsidian.

Media Extended

  • Version 2.10.5
  • Media(Video/Audio) Plauback Enhancement for Obsidian.md

Media Extended BiliBili Plugin

  • Version 0.3.1
  • Add advanced bilibili videos support for Media Extended plugin

Extract url content

  • Version 0.9.0
  • Extract url converting content into markdown

Convert url to preview (iframe)

  • Version 0.2.0
  • Convert an url (ex, youtube) into an iframe (preview)

Smart Random Note

  • Version 0.2.1
  • A smart random note plugin

Status Bar Pomodoro Timer

  • Version 0.1.11
  • Adds a pomodoro timer to your status bar

Reading Time

  • Version 1.0.4
  • Add the current note's reading time to Obsidian's status bar.

Privacy Glasses

  • Version 0.4.3
  • Provides a button and command to obfuscate onscreen text for better privacy in public settings.


Dynamic Table of Contents

  • Version 0.0.11
  • An Obsidian plugin to generate Tables of Contents that stay up to date with your document outline.

Advanced Obsidian URI / 同时讲解下系统URI

  • Version 1.11.1
  • Advanced modes for Obsidian URI


  • Version 2.2.1
  • Open or reveal the current note in DEVONthink.


  • Version 0.7.0
  • This is a plugin to display the GitHub Gist.

Static File Server

  • Version 0.0.4
  • Host obsidian subfolders as static file servers.


Image auto upload Plugin

  • Version 1.0.0
  • This plugin uploads images from your clipboard by PicGo

Ozan's Image in Editor Plugin / WYSIWYG

  • Version 1.5.6
  • View Images, Transclusions, iFrames and PDF Files within the Editor without a necessity to switch to Preview.

Excalidraw / 手绘加流程图等

  • Version 1.3.11
  • An Obsidian plugin to edit and view Excalidraw drawings

Extended MathJax

  • Version 0.2.0
  • Adds support for a MathJax preamble and enables additional MathJax extensions for specific domains (chemistry, proofs).


Readwise Community

  • Version 0.0.9
  • Sync Readwise highlights into your notes


  • Version O .4.4
  • Automatically search and insert citations from a Zotero library

Spaced Repetition / 演示间隔复习功能

  • Version 1.6.2
  • Fight the forgetting curve by reviewing flashcards & entire notes.

Obsidian Leaflet / 演示图片遮挡组件

  • Version 4.0.0
  • Interactive maps inside your notes


  • 插件的下载、配置示例


讲解 TOC 、MOC 与 PARA 文件结构





打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片

  • 基础内容:
  • 列表、块语法等Ob标签语法内容 、Typora的使用 、官方文档: 、Typora官方帮助
  • 格式化你的笔记.md
  • 格式化功能、表格的输入、WYSIWYG、主题样式
  • 配置默认用Typora打开(注意:修改图片引用)
  • 插件:
  • cMenu插件+熟悉基本语法+Markdown Tables generator - TablesGenerator.com 如上大纲所示
  • 官方编辑功能更新 、Ozan's Image in Editor Plugin
  • PDF内容提取、高亮提取、#^引用形式、网页表格复制 + 笔记导出为网页
  • 知乎上插件:Obsidian 插件介绍篇(一) (zhihu.com) 、Obsidian 插件介绍篇(二) (zhihu.com)
  • 笔记管理方法:
  • PARA / MOC
  • [Obs#11] 数位笔记方法—PARA与MOC介绍 (CC字幕)_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  • LYT Kit
  • 【生肉】LYT Q&A_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
  • Build Your Custom PKM System Now
  • B站参考
  • [_ChitandaEru 的个人空间](_Chitanda_Eru_的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili)
  • [黑_叶的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili](黑_叶的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili)
  • [你的盾盾呀的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili](你的盾盾呀的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_Bilibili)
  • 知乎内容参考:
  • [卢曼卡片盒(下篇)|有效输出,利用知识之网 - 知乎](葛仲然:卢曼卡片盒(下篇)|有效输出,利用知识之网)
  • [再谈与 Obsidian 共舞的知识管理 - 知乎](AllinBon:再谈与 Obsidian 共舞的知识管理)
  • [如何构建笔记系统-实际操作篇 - 知乎](Ryooo:如何构建笔记系统-实际操作篇)
  • [Nick Milo:如何在笔记之间形成有效的关联? - 知乎](Eleven:Nick Milo:如何在笔记之间形成有效的关联?)
  • [TOC 和 MOC:重组我的 Obsidian 和 Zotero 知识管理系统 - 知乎](Eleven:TOC 和 MOC:重组我的 Obsidian 和 Zotero 知识管理系统)
  • [如何聪明地记笔记 - 知乎](Alex:如何聪明地记笔记)
  • 官方论坛:
  • [Obsidian Forum English](https://forum.obsidian.md/)
  • [Longform插件使用说明选译 - 经验分享 - Obsidian 中文论坛](https://forum-zh.obsidian.md/t/topic/887)



打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片

  • 知乎系列文章:实践闭环-Obsidian为中心的-信息-内化-复习 - 知乎
  • 演示之前介绍的插件:Text Expand /Extract Highlights Plugin/ Admonition /Increment Writing/ Xmind TextBundle / Note Refactor
  • 使用MOC来规划写作大纲或内容:[LYT Kit v5 Overview](LYT Kit v5 Overview)


至此,此文我们就先介绍到这里,如果对你有所帮助,点赞支持一下吧。。。本文结束.... 欢迎小伙伴们一起探讨和评论!