
"At the beginning of all things, the road is simple and the evolution is complex." ——《Tao Te Ching》

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Minimalism is also like this, which coincides with traditional classics. It pursues simplicity to the extreme. It is simple and clean in sense, and more elegant in taste and thought. Simple as it is, it is not simple.

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At the beginning of the design, the designer's essential idea is to imagine a quiet space, but there is warmth and realism. So the main color is white, which always gives people the simplest happiness. Furniture to decorate, chose gray tone, let bedroom look clean and fresh, permeate people's heart. How to make more tasteful minimalist design. Now let's tell you through this case



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客厅 使用开放式设计,采用白色和浅灰色作为主要配,并以黑色的线条穿插,再加上客厅是无主灯的设计,让自然光有更好地漫散射,使得光影更具自由感,使整个空间呈现的干净纯洁感。浅灰色的布艺沙发搭配上前方的大理石壁炉,打造简约轻奢的高级质感。家具、灯具、饰品点染其中,形成静逸脱俗的意境之美。

The living room uses the open design, uses white and light gray as the main match, and intersperses with black lines. In addition, the living room has no main light design, which makes the natural light have better diffuse scattering, makes the light and shadow more free, and makes the whole space clean and pure. The light gray fabric sofa matches the marble fireplace in front to create a simple and luxurious high-level texture. Furniture, lamps and ornaments are dyed to form the beauty of artistic conception.


Entrance entrance

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入户玄关 零星的悬吊水晶灯,折射出点滴光晕搭配艺术家李晓峰老师的亲笔之作——浴火重生,使空间氛围更加沉稳。

The sporadic suspended crystal lights in the entrance porch reflect a bit of halo, which is combined with the work of artist Li Xiaofeng's teacher - rebirth from the fire, making the space atmosphere more stable.

▼ 客餐厅


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餐厅 位于窗前,与客厅相邻窗外的绿植生机勃勃,充足的光线透过窗户照进室内,给人明亮的视觉感受。餐桌选用浅木色实木餐桌,疏密有致的自然纹理搭配上极简的外形,简约而精致。餐椅与吊灯的造型富有设计感。

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厨房 也位于开放空间中,白色橱柜搭配上白色大理石,十分有质感。岛台上方的金属吊灯与岛台下方的深木色相互呼应,沉稳有格调,展现出厨房的精致轻奢气息。

Kitchen is also located in the open space, white cabinets with white marble, very texture. The metal chandelier above the island platform and the dark wood color below the island platform echo each other, calm and elegant, showing the delicate and luxurious flavor of the kitchen.

▼ 楼梯


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楼梯 处也极富设计感,木色的楼梯搭配透明玻璃,再与白色大理石拼接,楼梯旁错落有致的白色吊灯,简约的设计营造出这个空间的高级感。

The staircase is also full of design sense. The wood color staircase is matched with transparent glass, and then spliced with white marble. The white chandeliers beside the staircase are arranged in an orderly way. The simple design creates a high-level sense of the space.

▼ 主卧


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卧室 依旧延续极简设计,以深灰色作为主要配色,打造静谧的休息空间。黑色岩板与原木色地板的反差,将自然界两种截然不同的元素,融入同一空间而变得协调柔软。衣帽间与卧室相邻,深灰色的橱柜搭配镶黑边的玻璃,再加上黄色灯光,很好地展现了精致高级的极简风。 The bedroom still continues the minimalist design, with dark gray as the main color, creating a quiet rest space. The contrast between the black rock board and the log color floor integrates two different elements of nature into the same space and becomes harmonious and soft. Cloakroom and bedroom adjacent, dark gray cabinet with black edge glass, plus yellow light, a good show of exquisite high-grade minimalist style.

▼ 卫浴


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卫生间 选用白色和浅灰色配色,干湿分离的布局合理。白色的大理石营造轻奢气息。浴缸位于窗前,拥有开阔的视野,明亮的光线打造干净纯粹的空间氛围。 White and light gray color matching are selected for toilet, and the layout of dry wet separation is reasonable. White marble creates a light and luxurious atmosphere. Located in front of the window, the bathtub has a wide view and bright light to create a clean and pure space atmosphere.


Transformation comparison

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▼ 户型图

Apartment layout diagram

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项目名称 | 黄龙溪谷独栋别墅设计

设计机构 | 斯塔尔豪设计

项目面积 | 300㎡