前不久,由于英国政府对俄罗斯鱼类的制裁,英国的炸鱼薯条(fish and chip)行业正因为鱼价飙升而遭受重创。

3月15日,英国政府对俄罗斯实施了新的经济制裁。其对俄罗斯鱼类加征了35%关税,导致了炸鱼薯条所使用的鱼类原料鳕鱼(cod)与黑线鳕鱼(haddock)价格飙升,而这道来自黑暗料理国度的“名菜”也因此迎来了行业的寒冬。有网友戏称,英国人可能以后只能吃仰望星空派(Stargazy pie)了。

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英国的“黑暗料理”仰望星空派 图源:tasteatlas



英国“炸鱼工联合会”主席安德鲁·克鲁克(Andrew Crook)警告称,在未来6个月内,英国全国三分之一的炸鱼薯条店将会倒闭。

There are around 10,500 fish and chip shops across the UK, according to the National Federation of Fish Friers (NFFF). But around 3,500 of them could be forced out of business as already squeezed businesses are forced to pay increasingly higher prices for the oil and its alternatives, the trade body’s president, Andrew Crook has warned. 据英国“炸鱼工联合会”统计,全英国约有10500家炸鱼薯条店。但联合会主席安德鲁·克鲁克警告称,由于葵花籽油及其替代用油的价格越来越高,其中大约3500家店铺可能会被迫停业。

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Ukraine is the world’s largest producer and exporter of sunflower oil. In 2019, it was responsible for 48 percent of global sunflower seed and safflower oil exports. The second-largest producer is Russia, which exported 24 percent of the world’s supply in the same year. 乌克兰是世界上最大的葵花籽油生产国和出口国,在2019年,其占全球葵花籽油和红花油出口的48%。葵花籽油的第二大生产国是俄罗斯,其同年出口额占全球供应量的24%。

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安德鲁·克鲁克自己也经营着一家炸鱼薯条店。他表示,这波油价上涨为行业带来了他们所面临的最大的危机(the biggest crisis they’ve ever faced)。

Previously, he paid around £30 per drum of sunflower oil but now he is being charged £44, he said. Rapeseed oil and palm oil have also been subject to price hikes. 他说,过去每桶葵花籽油的价格是30英镑,但现在却要44英镑。菜籽油和棕榈油的价格也在上涨。

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克鲁克的炸鱼薯条店的价格单 图源:Skipper of Euxton

Crook has already put his prices up since the war broke out and he plans to raise them again soon. He added: “We’ve just come through one major crisis with the pandemic…now we’re in this crisis which is even bigger… All our costs are going up as everyone’s disposable income is going down.” 俄乌冲突以来,安德鲁·克鲁克已经涨过一波价了,并且打算很快再次涨价。他表示,炸鱼薯条行业刚刚挺过疫情,现在又遭受了更严重的危机。尽管大家的可支配收入都在下降,但大家的支出却都在攀升。



The annual inflation rate climbed to 7.0% in March from 6.2% in February, its highest since March 1992. 据CNN报道,今年3月,英国的通胀率已经由2月份的6.4%上升至7%,达到近50年来的最高值。

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英国飞速攀升的通胀率 图源:Trading Economics


Households are facing the biggest cost-of-living squeeze since records began in the 1950s, according to Britain's budget forecasters.



来源:iNews CNN 观察者网