第二届 MEGA影视、新媒体、创意科技高峰论坛——疫情下产业的挑战与转型将于7月1日下午14:00举行,论坛全程于网易、哔哩哔哩直播平台播出。


The Second Film, New Media and Creative Technology Summit —— Challenges and Transformation of Industries Under Pandemic will be held at 14:00 on July 1, and the forum will be broadcast on NetEase and Bilibili live broadcast platform.

The Summit is one of the important events of the second MEGA International Creative Media Festival. Since 2020, the global film and television, emerging media, games, creative technology and other industries have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This forum invites industry experts in film and television media, games, and online entertainment to have a dialogue and analyze the challenges and development trends facing the industry under the epidemic.

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日期: 2022年7月1日(本周五)


下午2:00 pm - 3:40 pm

下午3:40 pm - 4:00 pm 闭幕式及学院奖颁奖

地点: 网易直播平台(扫描海报二维码观看直播)



1. 疫情下的产业、行业困境为何?

2. 如何突破 ?

3. 最新产业发展、变革与趋势?

4. 高校及专业应如何应变?


西交利物浦大学影视与创意科技学院副院长、影视艺术学院院长 麦莉娟教授


光线实景娱乐扬州总经理 袁虹先生

金山软件集团副总裁 龚道军先生

倍视传媒集团副总裁 谢宁 先生

《滚蛋吧!肿瘤君》编剧 袁媛女士

新浪深圳政务事业副总 梁睿 先生

芒果TV 大芒计划总监孙伟先生

之间文化传媒创始人/CEO 曹青女士

The Second Film, New Media and Creative Technology Summit

Challenges and Transformation of Industries Under Pandemic

Date:1st July 2022, Friday


2:00 pm - 3:40 pm

3:40 pm - 4:00 pm ClosingCeremony and Academy Award Ceremony

Venue:NetEase live broadcast platform, BiliBili live broadcast (Please scan the QR code on the Poster)

Language: Chinese

Main topics:

1. What are the challenges and industry difficulties under the epidemic situation?

2. How to break through?

3. The latest industrial development, changes and trends?

4. How should universities and majors respond to industry changes?

Host of Q & A session:

Prof. Li-Chuan Evelyn Mai, Dean of the School of Film and TV Arts, Associate Dean of Academy of Film and CreativeTechnology, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University


Mr Hong Yuan, General Manager of Enlight Media Group in Yangzhou

Mr Daojun Gong, Vice President of Kingsoft Corporation

Ms Yuan Yuan, Screenwriter of " Go Away, Mr Tumo "

Mr Ning Xie, Vice President of Beishi Media Group

Mr Rui Liang, Vice President of Sina Shenzhen GovernmentAffairs

Mr Wei Sun, Director of Mango TV Damang Program

Ms Qing Cao, Founder /CEO of Zhijian Culture Media

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影视与创意科技学院举办的“第二届MEGA国际创意媒体盛典”,旨在为所有年轻的影视、媒体和创意产业从业者提供一个展示和交流的平台,发掘、鼓励和推广优秀的艺术作品,从而为未来的创意媒体产业提供更多的新鲜血液和年轻力量。“MEGA” 即为Media . Exhibition · Graphics · Arts 的集成概念。

本届MEGA国际创意媒体盛典主题名称为“Embrace”(拥抱), 将于2022年6.24至7.01日在网易平台及Bilibili在线直播。主要以国内外69所高校等奖作品及西浦影视艺术学院学生毕业作品为主,结合主创团队分享交流等活动,旨在展现高校青年学子的专业能力与水平,促进高校和相关业内人士的互通、交流和学习,建立起MEGA国际创意媒体盛典的品牌基调。