
“Scoopingthe water, the moon is in my hand; Playing with flowers, my dress is full ofscent.” which can express the romance of Dali's landscape.

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“Scooping the water, themoon is in my hand; Playing with flowers, my dress is full of scent. “ From Moon Over the Spring Mountain by Yu Liangshi, a poet of the TangDynasty. This poem describes the joy of watching the moon in the mountainson a spring night. The feeling of being at ease and carefree in it is theatmosphere we hope to create in this project.

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The hotel consists of two buildings. Wecreated a sea between two buildings, and the "moon" is suspendedabove the sea. We use architecture and space to create a traditional andinnovative artistic conception of " As the bright moon shines over thesea; From far away you share this moment with me.”

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"Lunar Shadow Room" is the key pointof hotel renovation, and it is also a space that reflects the hotel'scharacteristics and spirit. We hope that tourists who come here will not rushto other attractions, but can stay here and feel the nature and the comfort.

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In resort hotel design, we focus on theshaping of vacation scenes. When the space and the site reach a corresponding relationship, adifferent space situation can be created. Just at the entrance of the hotelstarts from a dome, and the spiraling stairs extend to the distance, so thepicturesque scene can make people look forward to it.

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A sloping walkway passes through the central watercourtyard and connects the two buildings.

The passengers are immersed in the watercourtyard and slowly walk from low to high toward the full moon. At this time,the water courtyard, the moon and the people correspond to each other. Thewater courtyard holds the bright moon and forms a scene with the visitors.

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Inside the "Full Moon" is aguest room, and the "Full Moon" is the viewfinder of the guest roomlooking towards the courtyard.

You can read a book under the moon, oryou can take a soothing bath to wash away the tiredness of the journey.

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Every opening and fenestration in thebuilding space are an opportunity to reconnect with the natural landscape.According to the different landscape conditions at the site, we correspond toit with spaces with different degrees of openness. Let every space have the right atmosphere.

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The higher the space, the higher theview. Through the 270° floor-to-ceiling glass, the Erhai Lake is brought intothe eyes. The four seasons of Dali and the changes of day and night are theprotagonists of the space.

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04. 原貌与改造过程|Renovation Process

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▲ 改造前

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▲ 改造后

05. 技术图纸|Technical Drawings

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▲ 轴测图 Axonometric drawings ©USUAL Studio

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▲ 总平面图 Master Plan ©USUAL Studio

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▲B5一层平面图 The Ground Floor Plan ©USUALStudio

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▲B5三层平面图 The Third Floor Plan ©USUAL Studio

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▲B6四层平面图 The Fourth Floor Plan ©USUAL Studio


设计单位:寻常设计事务所 Usual Studio


设计团队:林经锐、王坤辉、温馨、Laura Canto López、David Qiu、吴海伦、吴志远、刘源(实习)






Project Name: Full Moon – Dali Qinglv-Fuyun House Design

Design Company:Usual Studio

DesignContents: Architecture, Landscape, Interior Design

DesignTeam: LIN Jingrui, WANG Kunhui, WEN Hsin, Laura CantoLópez, David Qiu,WU Hailun, WU Zhiyuan,LIU Yuan

ProjectLocation: Dali, China

BuiltArea : 1800㎡

CompletionYear: 2022

PhotoCredits: YUJI Studio, Dali Qinglv

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Lin Jingrui, Principal Architect

林经锐毕业于中国美术学院建筑艺术学院。2017年,林经锐与伙伴们共同创立了“寻常设计事务所 USUAL Studio ”,并于杭州和台湾设立了工作室。USUAL Studio是一家立足于研究当下多元化设计的建筑事务所,提供国际化的建筑、景观、室内、一体化设计服务。

其作品在近几年迅速获得大众的关注与好评,所获奖项包括:2021第九届BEST DESIGN 最佳设计奖,2020安邸AD100YOUNG,2020IDMA 第十八届国际设计传媒奖, 2020时尚家居 年度大赏,2020金瓦奖双料大奖“最佳建筑奖”和“首席评委大奖”,2019金点奖,2019亚洲设计大奖Asia Design Prize,2018美国AMP建筑大师奖,2018美国IDA国际设计大奖金银双奖,2017年新加坡(SIDA)室内设计大奖办公类金奖,2017 全球A+Awards建筑奖“评委特别奖”和“最受欢迎奖”双项大奖,2017中国设计年度大会“年度最佳设计机构”等诸多国内外奖项。

Lin Jingrui graduated from China Academy of Art. In 2017,Lin Jingrui and his partners founded "USUAL Studio" and set it up inHangzhou and Taiwan. It is an architectural team focused on the diversity ofdesign and investigation through different disciplines to practicearchitecture, landscape, interior and decoration design.

Its design works in recent years have been acknowledged bythe media and press worldwide and rewarded with numerous design awards,including:

“2021 the 9th BEST DESIGN Award”,

“2020 AD100YOUNG”,

“2020 the 18th International Design Media Awards (IDMA)”,

“2020 TRENDSHOME Annual Award”,

“2020 JINWA Award the 5th 'Best Architecture Award' and'Chief Judge Award' ”,

“2019 Golden Pin Design Award”,

“2019 Asia Design Prize Winner”,

“2018 Architecture Master Prize (AMP)”,

“2017 Singapore Interior Design Awards (SIDA) Winner”,

“2017 A+Awards 'Jury Winner' and 'Popular Choice Winner'”and so on.

寻常设计事务所 | USUAL Studio


We focus on architecture, landscape, interior and softdecoration design services.

作品官网 Website:http://usualstudio.cn

邮箱 Email:usualstudio@hotmail.com