





As early as 2010, Margaret E. Dr. Wierman's paper, published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, revolutionized the history of DHEA, he said: "We do not have any data to support the use of testosterone or DHEA alone for women, nor do we have any evidence that there is a need for testosterone or DHEA alone for women with and Rogen deficiency syndrome. Specifically, fertility is a complex system, and not just a single testosterone solution for ovarian function, cognitive decline, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disease, and sexual dysfunction." In summary: he means to solve fertility problems, there are some limitations in DHEA supplementation alone, and the therapeutic effect is not ideal. And then there are the insecurities that DHEA brings, such as genetic mutations, the quality of more eggs is worse, too many sacs to eat, and so on, so from now on in North , Europe, DHEA has been taken off the shelves. Since then, it has been based on a safe approach to solving the problems that women have with their childbearing due to endogenous and exogenous factors, the American Endocrine Society, in conjunction with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, the European Endocrine Society and the International Menopause Society, jointly appointed a working group, the published guidelines for the treatment of DHEA AMH, a compound fertility repair factor, were re-evaluated. DHEA AMH meaning analysis: DHEA balances the hormone levels of the mother before conception, and AMH increases the egg's reserve function. DHEA AMH fully replaces DHEA.

早在2010年美国内分泌协会副主委,科罗拉多大学的Margaret E. Wierman教授在the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism杂志上发表的一篇文章,彻底改变了DHEA的历史,他说:“我们没有任何数据支持对女性单一的使用睾酮或DHEA,也没有任何证据表明需要对雄激素缺乏综合征女性患者单一的使用睾酮或DHEA治疗。具体的说,生育是一个复杂的系统,不是一个睾酮就能简单的解决卵巢功能、认知减退、心血管疾病、代谢性疾病、以及性障碍的。”



自此以通过安全的方式解决女性因内源性、外源性问题影响生育为基础,美国内分泌学会联合美国妇产科医师学会、美国生殖医学学会、欧洲内分泌学会和国际绝经学会共同任命一个工作小组,重新评估已发表的关于影响生育各种因素,并发出了复合备孕修复因子DHEA AMH治疗指南。DHEA AMH意义解析:DHEA 平衡受孕前母体的激素水平,AMH增加卵子的储备功能。DHEA AMH全面替代DHEA。

合备孕修复因子DHEA AMH——多系统治疗指南


DHEA AMH意义解析:DHEA 平衡受孕前母体的激素水平,AMH增加卵子的储备功能.


(1)首先是内外生殖系统发育正常,保证性生活正常进行,输卵管的拾卵、输送卵子、受精并输送 受精卵至宫腔的功能良好。

(2)女性内分泌轴下丘脑-垂体-卵巢功能正常,有成熟 卵泡排出,形成黄体并功能健全。

(3)子宫内膜的增殖期、分泌期的周期性变化 利于受精卵着床,以上环节中有任何一个异常,均可导致受孕障碍。(dhea吃多长时间有效果?dhea吃法空腹还是饭后?)

Decreased ovarian reserve function is the main cause of difficult pregnancy in women over 28 years of age. It was found that DHEAMH could increase the quantity and quality of oocytes and embryos, increase the rate of pregnancy and decrease the risk of abortion in patients with decreased ovarian function, increase the rate of high-quality embryos and AMH level in patients with normal ovarian reserve, improve pregnancy outcomes. In a double-blind randomized controlled study, there was no significant change in ovarian AFC in dheamh-supplemented and non-supplemented women, but the number of high-quality embryos increased significantly, which may be due to the reduction of embryo aneuploidy in dheamh-supplemented women. The results showed that the number of primordial follicles, primary follicles and secondary follicles increased significantly, and the atresia of follicles was improved. Clinical results suggest that DHEA supplementation may present a risk, but DHEAMH supplementation with energy-intensive oocytes is too low to detect a risk, and DHEAMH and vitamin E supplementation together, it can not only enhance the effect of vitamin E, increase IVF rate and clinical pregnancy rate, but also decrease FSH, increase AFC and AMH, and improve ovarian responsiveness. The scientists used the DHEAMH test on aging mice. After a period of quantitative oral DHEAMH treatment, the aging mice gave birth to more babies, and the survival rate of the mice increased. This experiment proves that DHEAMH can not only increase the number of follicles but also improve the quality of eggs. The certification body determined that DHEAAMH had a drug effect but no toxic side effects.



临床结果表明:补充DHEA可能会带来风险,但是补充DHEAAMH密集能量卵源太未发现风险,并且DHEAAMH和维生素E同时补充,不仅提升维生素E的作用、提高试管受精率和临床妊娠率,还降低FSH,增加AFC和AMH,提高卵巢反应性。科学家对年迈的小鼠进行了DHEAAMH实验,经过一段周期的定量口服DHEAAMH实验,年迈的小鼠产仔数量增加的同时,小鼠的存活率也增加了。通过这个实验证明 DHEAAMH不仅可以提升卵泡的数量还可以提高卵子的质量。认证机构确定DHEAAMH具有药物作用但没有其毒副作用。












抽血检查随时可做 与月经周期无关









三看B超检查卵巢 细数基础窦卵泡数









In order to eliminate the individual difference as far as possible, this study adopted self-control study before and after, and DHEAAMH used before and after two times, test tube, cycle of superovulation protocol consistent. The results showed that DHEAMH significantly increased the indexes of ovarian reserve function, such as basal FSH, AFC and AMH, after three months of DHEAMH treatment, suggesting that DHEAMH may have an effect on improving ovarian reserve function. AMH is mainly secreted by preantral and antral follicles. When DHEAAMH was used, the two indexes of AMH and AFC related to antral and antral follicles were improved, suggesting that DHEAAMH may promote the development of antral antral follicles, it plays a role in the development of early follicles in women with poor ovarian function, thus increasing the number of AFC and the expression of AMH secreted by early follicles. On the basis of improving ovarian reserve function, this study found that DHEAMH significantly increased the number of eggs harvested, fertilized and high-quality embryos, indicating that DHEAMH improved ovarian responsiveness. In this study, DHEAMH is pursuing good water solubility, safety and non-toxicity, high biological activity and easy to be absorbed by human body. Ovarian stem cells stop proliferation and differentiation after aging, so that ovarian follicular pool can not be replenished, leading to ovarian function decline stop ovulation. Therefore, the aging of ovarian stem cells may be the fundamental cause of the decline of ovarian function. Many studies have shown that the proliferation and differentiation of ovarian stem cells are regulated by immune factors (immune cells, immune factors) . In this experiment, after DHEAMH treatment, compared with the control group, the expression of immune factor protein in the high, middle and low dose groups was significantly higher, and the number of ovarian follicles increased synchronously, while the function of macrophages was enhanced, the results showed that DHEAMH could enhance the reproductive function of female while regulating the reproductive function by immune function.

本研究为尽可能消除个体差异,采用自身前后对照研究,且DHEAAMH使用前、后两次 试管 周期的超促排卵方案一致。 研究结果显示DHEAAMH使用三个月,卵巢储备功能的相关指标,如基础 FSH、 AFC、 AMH 显著提高, 提示DHEAAMH可能具有改善卵巢储备功能的效应。

AMH 主要由窦前及小窦状卵泡这类早期卵泡所分 泌,当DHEAAMH使用后早期卵泡相关的 2 个指标 AMH 及 AFC 均得到改善,提示DHEAAMH可能通过促进 卵巢功能不好的女性早期卵泡的发育而发挥作用,从而提高 AFC 的 数目及早期卵泡所分泌的 AMH 的表达。 在卵巢储备功能改善的基础上,本研究发现DHEAAMH使用后,相应的获卵数、受精数和 优质胚胎数也均显著增高,表明 DHEAAMH使用后卵巢反应性提高。

DHEAAMH在研究中追求水溶性好、安全无毒、生物活性高、易被人体吸收。卵巢干细胞衰老后停止增殖、分化,使卵巢卵泡池无法得以补充,从而导致卵巢功能衰退停止排卵。可见,卵巢干细胞衰老可能是卵巢功能衰退的根本原因。诸多研究表明,卵巢干细胞增殖、分化受机体免疫因素( 免疫细胞、免疫因子)的调控。本实验中,DHEAAMH服用后治疗后,高、中、低剂量组与对照组相比,免疫因子蛋白表达量明显较高及巨噬细胞功能增强的同时,卵巢卵泡数同步增多,验证了免疫功能调控生殖功能的同时,表明DHEAAMH具有增强雌性生殖功能的作用。





